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Social Struggles in the Federalist Era

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Presentation on theme: "Social Struggles in the Federalist Era"— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Struggles in the Federalist Era
Women, landless farmers, African Americans, wage earners and Native Americans

2 The Economy of the South
Tobacco Rice Paddies Sugarcane Biggest…cotton

3 Cotton on the Roadside, Cotton in the Ditch, We all picked the cotton but we never got rich!
1793, Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin (engine) quickly and efficiently combed the seeds out of cotton bolls

4 Cotton is King! 1860, four million bales annually
two-thirds the total exports for US strengthened slavery Demand for slave labor skyrocketed

5 Class in the South Planters: owned the larger plantations, slaveholders, dominated the economy and political systems, minority Yeomanry: majority, held few slaves if any Rural Poor: few, lived on land too barren for farming African Americans: made up 37% of southern population

6 Slavery Task system: Gang System: specific jobs
once completed they had the rest of the day to themselves Gang System: sun up to sun down large plantations organized into gangs under the supervision of a driver (slave)

7 Slave Codes Forbade enslaved men and women from owning property or leaving a slaveholders premises without permission Could not carry firearms or testify in court against a white person Banned from learning to read and write Merely property

8 African American Culture
To cope with the atrocities of slavery, African Americans formed their own culture Songs to pass the long workday or express hope Religion: adopted Christianity but adapted it to fit their African heritage

9 Resistance Work slowdowns Broke tools or set fire to houses or barns
Try to run away

10 Rebellion Nat Turner, 1831 led an armed uprising
believed God had chosen him to bring his people out of bondage killed 50 white men, women and children. Tried, convicted and hung

11 Frederick Douglass Rose out of slavery to become a prominent leader in the anti-slavery movement

12 Abigail Adams, wife of John Adams
Women Rights were left out of the Constitution Could not vote own property hold political offices Not equals with their male counterparts Abigail Adams, wife of John Adams

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