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all pictures shamelessly lifted from google

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1 all pictures shamelessly lifted from google
Vocab E Unit 4 all pictures shamelessly lifted from google

2 Affiliated (ADJ.) associated, connected Synonym: united, related
After the loss, the state didn’t want to be affiliated with the football team. Synonym: united, related Antonym: separated

3 Ascertain (VERB) to find out or determine
With the gossip, the man had to ascertain the facts of the tragedy. Synonym: establish, tell Antonym: disprove

4 Attainment (NOUN) An accomplishment or the act of achieving
Graduating high schools come with the attainment of the high school diploma. Synonym: fulfillment, completion Antonym: failure

5 Bequeath(VERB) to give or pass on as an inheritance
After the accident, the aunt bequeathed the gold to her niece. Synonym: bestow, entrust, will Antonym: take

6 Cogent (ADJ.) convincing; relevant, persuasive
The Senator was passionate, cogent, and earnest about specific policies. Synonym: compelling, forcible Antonym: ineffective

7 Converge (VERB) To move toward one point, approach nearer together
The students came from thousands of cities to converge at the musical festival. Synonym: assemble, combine Antonym: disperse

8 Disperse (VERB) To scatter, spread far and wide
The bubbles dispersed throughout the living room after Susan blew them at dinner. Synonym: break up, diffuse Antonym: accumulate

9 Esteem (VERB/NOUN) To regard highly (VERB)
A highly favored opinion or judgment (NOUN) The girl’s esteem grew after she was asked to Homecoming. Synonym: admire, appreciate Antonym: despise, abandon

10 Expunge (VERB) to erase or delete
After the child took the classes, the points on their license was expunged. Synonym: abolish, extinguish Antonym: add, allow

11 Finite (ADJ.) having limits; lasting for a limited time
Man has a finite existence on earth. Synonym: limited, restricted, definite Antonym: indefinite .

12 Invulnerable (ADJ.) not able to be wounded or hurt; shielded against attack A strong navy made Britain invulnerable. Synonym: bulletproof, secure Antonym: unguarded

13 Malevolent (ADJ.) Spiteful, showing ill will
The malevolent villain tried to take over the world. Synonym: malicious, wicked Antonym: benevolent

14 Nonchalant (ADJ.) cool and confident, appearing unconcerned
The nonchalant attitude of the student did not show alarm during the drama. Synonym: casual, mellow, unemotional Antonym: biased, intense

15 Omniscient (ADJ.) knowing everything; having unlimited awareness or understanding Men do not have an omniscient mind but rather a very limited one. Synonym: all-seeing, infinite Antonym: unknowing

16 Panacea (NOUN) A remedy for ills; cure – all; an answer to all problems Essentials oils is a panacea that is popular in today’s society. Synonym: elixir, cure, relief Antonym: disease

17 Scrupulous (ADJ.) having high standards, meticulous, conscientious
The dancer provided scrupulous details within their performance. Synonym: conscientious, honest Antonym: dishonest, easy

18 Skulk (VERB) to move about stealthily; to lie in hiding
The panther skulked through the bush. Synonym: crouch, prowl, slink Antonym: contront

19 Supercilious (ADJ.) proud and contemptuous; showing scorn because of a feeling of superiority Loud people sometimes seem supercilious because of their attention they draw to themselves. Synonym: bossy, condescending Antonym: humble, modest

20 Uncanny (ADJ.) strange; mysterious, inexplicable
The child had an uncanny feeling about the ghost story. Synonym: eerie, magical, incredible Antonym: boring

21 Venial (ADJ.) easily excused; pardonable
The venial offense allowed the teenager to go home that evening. Synonym: allowable, excusable, okay Antonym: moral

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