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Riots and Strikes of the Industrial Age

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1 Riots and Strikes of the Industrial Age
Spinrad/US History

2 The Great Strike of 1877 Started with strike of workers on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad (B&O) protesting two wage cuts in two months Work stoppage spread to other lines, stopping freight and passenger lines State governors asked President Hayes to intervene and he sent in federal troops to end the strike, claiming the strike impeded interstate commerce

3 Stopped railroads throughout the US

4 Haymarket Riot, May 1886 The day before a striker had been killed at the McCormick Harvester plant Protesters gathered to decry police brutality Someone threw a bomb at police and police responded with gunfire

5 Someone tossed a bomb into the police line

6 Mayhem! Seven police officers and several workers were killed in the chaos that followed No one ever learned who through the bomb, but three speakers and five radicals were tried and convicted for inciting a riot. Four were hanged and one committed suicide in prison. After Haymarket, the public turned against the labor movement.

7 Homestead Strike, June-July 1892
Carnegie Steel Company’s Homestead plant in Pennsylvania Company President Frick cut wages and workers called a strike Frick hired private detectives to hire strikebreakers (scabs) to keep the plant operating Workers battled the detectives and kept the plant closed Nine workers and three detectives died The National Guard opened the plant and the strike failed.

8 Pinkerton Detectives Injured

9 Pullman Railroad Company Strike, Spring 1894
Pullman company cut jobs and wages without lowering the cost of company housing Pullman refused to negotiate or submit to arbitration Workers called a strike and Pullman hired strikebreakers. President Cleveland sent in federal troops to break up the strike. Pullman fired most of the strikers and blacklisted others so they could not work again in the railroad industry

10 A lost cause?

11 What patterns do you see?
Federal intervention Support (or lack) for labor Who won?

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