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Capella State School Great Results Guarantee Targets

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1 Capella State School Great Results Guarantee Targets
Evidence of progress in 2014 Increase the percentage of students in the NAPLAN upper two bands in Year 7 Writing from 0.0% to 5.9%. In 2014, the percentage of Year 7 students in the upper two bands for Writing increased to 5.9%. Increase the percentage of students in the NAPLAN National Minimum Standard in Year 3 Numeracy from % to 91%. Improve teacher capacity through focused coaching and professional development to improve student performance in numeracy and writing. In 2014, the percentage of Year 3 students achieving National Minimum Standard for numeracy reached 100%. Several teachers have participated in the 7 Steps of Writing PD. These staff have modelled the steps to the other staff. A planning, teaching, feedback and assessment loop has been established. How has the school maximised their funding? Capella State School used their Great Results Guarantee funding to implement strategies including: reviewing student performance data building teacher capability through coaching and professional development with a focus on Writing and Vocabulary. engaging specialist educators to support identified groups of students. 2014 funding: $222,746 Region: Metropolitan School type: Primary Student population: Over 900 Complete 2014 guarantee can be accessed on the school website.

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