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SESSION 5.2 An update on Information Management System (IMS) initiatives Seventh Tuna Data Workshop (TDW-7) 15-19 April 2013 SPC, Noumea, New Caledonia.

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Presentation on theme: "SESSION 5.2 An update on Information Management System (IMS) initiatives Seventh Tuna Data Workshop (TDW-7) 15-19 April 2013 SPC, Noumea, New Caledonia."— Presentation transcript:

1 SESSION 5.2 An update on Information Management System (IMS) initiatives
Seventh Tuna Data Workshop (TDW-7) April 2013 SPC, Noumea, New Caledonia

2 Latest IMS developments in the region
Presentation Outline What is an IMS ? Benefits of an IMS Latest IMS developments in the region (as per slide)

3 What is an IMS? An integrated collection of application systems and related processes that together support a country’s national fisheries authority in achieving its business objectives through the provision of comprehensive, timely and quality data. (as per slide)

4 Imagine a system on your desktop/laptop where –
What is an IMS? Imagine a system on your desktop/laptop where – ALL applications are launched from one menu You access databases away from the office (after login/password) You produce reports that combine data from different systems (e.g. logsheet, observer and VMS data) You have new administration systems to improve work flow (e.g. data registration, document management, etc.) This is what an IMS System can provide … (as per slide)

5 A National IMS would comprise …
What is an IMS ? A National IMS would comprise … A collection of database systems (applications) … Linked together, not a single system that tries to do everything A collection of reporting systems… Detailed and summary reports for one type of data Reports integrating/combining data A unified “portal” and menu system to facilitate access … A standard appearance in all applications (as per slide)

6 For example, a National IMS might consist of:
What is an IMS ? For example, a National IMS might consist of: TUFMAN for entry of tuna fisheries data LICENSING system TUBS for entry of observer data OPM for Observer placement management system MCS systems (e.g. VMS, VAP, TUFMAN-MCS) Fisheries management systems (e.g. VDS) Document management System Data Registration System Integrated Data Management Reporting system Executive level reporting system …. and so on … Exactly what is included depends on the needs of the country… (as per slide)

7 The benefits of a national IMS are many …
The benefits of an IMS? The benefits of a national IMS are many … Better reporting with INTEGRATION of all of the data sets ‘Executive level’ reports can aid management to access key indicators easily and make better decisions MCS activities are enhanced with integration of MCS data with other types of data More possibility of data quality checks Better accessibility to regional data, such as VMS, vessel information, etc. … and so on … (as per slide)

8 However, the important data quality work remains …
The benefits of an IMS? However, the important data quality work remains … Reports will be readily available but does not mean that the output is correct… The more data are combined and aggregated, the more important it is to ensure that the base-level data is of GOOD QUALITY and representative COVERAGE (as per slide)

9 Latest IMS developments in the region
There are THREE major developments currently in progress. PNG/NFA and PNAO have engaged consultants to develop ‘iFIMS’ to integrate all of their fisheries data and provide top-level reporting Work on this system is well advanced Main focus is MCS-related and VDS at this stage Plans to integrate with DATA ENTRY systems managed by the OFP (e.g. TUFMAN, TUBS, and TAGDAGER). (Latest update from our PNG/NFA Colleagues) (as per slide)

10 Latest IMS developments in the region
There are THREE major developments currently in progress. A group consisting of the Cook Islands, FSM, and the Marshall Islands (I2FISH) who are leading national IMS developments, in collaboration with FFA and SPC Regular meetings (e.g. July 2012 and January 2013) 2013 Work plan established Cook Islands IMS established FSM and RMI systems to be established during 2013 (Latest update from our colleagues from these countries …) (as per slide)

11 Latest IMS developments in the region
There are THREE major developments currently in progress. FFA and SPC Regional IMS developments … “To identify areas of synergy and efficiency in the development and ongoing support of regional and member country fisheries information systems, focussing on the tuna fisheries” SPC/FFA Regional IMS meetings (e.g. August 2012 and March 2013) Establishing standard National IMS Systems Joint FFA/SPC Country visits … Advice on improving in-country internet connectivity General move towards “Cloud-based” solutions … Cloud-based regional databases for SPC and FFA - better service … Master Reference tables… E-Reporting initiatives … (as per slide)

12 Latest IMS developments in the region
FFA and SPC are working together to deliver National and Regional IMS systems which will provide enhanced data management systems in the future… (as per slide)

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