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Eco 6380 Predictive Analytics For Economists Spring 2016

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Presentation on theme: "Eco 6380 Predictive Analytics For Economists Spring 2016"— Presentation transcript:

1 Eco 6380 Predictive Analytics For Economists Spring 2016
Professor Tom Fomby Department of Economics SMU

2 Presentation 7 Artificial Neural Networks: Prediction and Classification Chapter 11 in SPB

3 OUTLINE I. Historical Motivation
A. Resemblance to human learning and memory in the brain B. Ability to Generalize from particulars C. Main Strengths: High predictive performance and ability to capture very complex relationships between predictors and a response

4 OUTLINE II. Concepts and Structures of ANNs
A. Input Layer (Input Nodes therein) B. Hidden Layer(s) (Input Nodes therein) C. Output Layer (Output Node(s)) D. Multilayer Feed-Forward ANNs E. Nerves (links) and Neurons (nodes) F. Possible Transfer (Squashing or Activation) Functions: Linear, Logistic, Exponential, Arc Tangent, etc.

5 OUTLINE III. Some Diagrams of N-M-R-Q ANNs:
N = number of input nodes in Input Layer M = number of hidden nodes in first Hidden Layer R = number of hidden nodes in second Hidden Layer (if necessary) Q = number of output nodes: Q = 1 with conventional prediction problem; Q = 2 for binary classification or = q for q unordered (nominal) categories. If the classification is an ordered classification problem then Q = 1 with the output variable being normalized to the [0,1] interval with increments of 1/(q-1) representing the ranks of the ordinal variable starting with 0 and ending with 1.

6 Now for a Discussion of the Various Parts of this Outline go to the pdf file ANNs.pdf

7 Classroom Exercise: Exercise 5

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