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Presentation on theme: "Telescopes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Telescopes

2 1608 – Earliest Patent for Telescope
Hans Lippershey of Middelburg, in the Netherlands, applied for a patent

3 Earlier Telescope Users
Leanord & Thomas Diggs s 1571 Son publishes book “…by proportionall glasses duely situate in convenient angles, not onely discovered things farre off …”

4 Earlier Telescope Users
Thomas Harriot Earliest drawing of moon – August 1609 Unpublished papers

5 Galileo October / November 1609 observes moon & Jupiter’s moons
Venus & Sunspots

6 Isaac Newton

7 Let's Explore! Convex Or Converging Concave Or Diverging

8 ??? Why does a Concave or Diverging Lens Shrink Images?
Why does a Convex or Converging Lens magnify images? Why are objects upside down in a telescope?

9 Why does a Concave or Diverging Lens Shrink Images?

10 Why does a Convex or Converging Lens magnify images?

11 Why are objects upside down in a telescope?

12 How do lenses & mirrors work in a telescope?

13 Refracting Telescopes

14 Reflecting Telescope

15 ??? Why does a Concave or Diverging Lens Shrink Images?
Why does a Convex or Converging Lens magnify images? Why are objects upside down in a telescope?

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