Visible light and Color

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Presentation on theme: "Visible light and Color"— Presentation transcript:

1 Visible light and Color

2 What is an observation? Something you see or notice

3 Look around the room with the lights on and off….
Light ON Light OFF

4 What’s the difference? Objects seem brighter and in more color when the light is on. Dark rooms lack color and detail.

5 What does it mean to be illuminated?
An object reflects light

6 What types of light are there?
Incandescent, fluorescent, neon, sodium vapor, tungsten, halogen

7 What does incandescent mean?
WHITE HOT – filament gets hot

8 What is a filament? A small piece of coil that glows when it gets hot

9 What does all color depend on?
How it reflects and refracts light

10 You see…. An objects color based on what light it reflects and absorbs

11 What about Black and white?

12 Why can’t you see well at night?
There is no light to reflect off objects so your cones are not used at night

13 What about colored light?
An object will look different colors based on the color of light because different colors are reflected or reflects into your eye



16 What is a prism? A triangular shaped translucent object which reflects light

17 Picture time!

18 Picture time!

19 Picture time!

20 Picture time!

21 What is Visible light Shorter wavelengths and higher frequencies than infrared… Colors ROYGBIV

22 Wavelength Red shortest Violet longest

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