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The Atomic Nucleus & Radioactive Decay

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1 The Atomic Nucleus & Radioactive Decay
Chapter 39

2 The Atom Nucleus (center of the atom) is made up of nucleons
Protons (positive charge) Neutrons (neutral charge) Nucleons make up almost all of the mass of the atom Electrons (negative charge) surround the nucleus

3 Chemistry Review Atomic Number = number of protons in atom
Mass Number= number of protons + number of neutrons Isotopes Atoms of same element with different numbers of neutrons

4 Question: Since protons are positively charged, what holds them together (since positive charges repel each other)?

5 Answer: Strong Force attractive nuclear force between nucleons
Strong only when nucleons are very close to each other why the nucleus is so small As nucleons, get farther apart they tend to fly apart Since the force of the repelling positive charges is greater than the strong force, neutrons are needed to separate the protons

6 Is the nucleus stable? The nucleus is not always stable
The neutron is unstable A lone neutron will spontaneously decay into a proton and an electron

7 Chapter 39 Part 2

8 Radioactive Atoms An atom with a nucleus that is unstable and that can spontaneously emit a particle and become the nucleus of another element The particle is made up of protons and electrons Remember: the number the protons determines the element (if you add or lose protons it changes the element)

9 Radioactivity Particles decay only when their combined products have less mass after the decay than before. Mass of a neutron > mass of an electron + proton Energy is released E=mc2

10 Radioactive Decay Radioactive elements emit one of three distinct particles as they decay Alpha Beta Gamma

11 Alpha Particle Made of 2 protons and 2 neutrons
Identical to nuclei of Helium

12 Alpha Decay Practice Problem
What are the products if Neptunium 238 undergoes alpha decay?

13 Beta Particle An electron is ejected from the nucleus when a neutron is transformed into a proton

14 Beta Decay Practice Problem
What are the products if Neptunium 238 undergoes beta decay?

15 Gamma particle Massless energy Photons of electromagnetic radiation
Gamma>beta>alpha for penetrating power

16 Gamma Decay Practice Problem
What are the products if Neptunium 238 undergoes gamma decay?

17 Chapter 39 Part 3

18 Radioactive Half-Life
Radioactive Isotopes (atoms of the same element with different numbers of neutrons) decay at different rates. Any element heavier than bismuth (atomic number 83) is radioactive

19 Radioactive Half-Life
Time needed for half of the radioactive atoms to decay AE is the amount of substance left A0 is the original amount of substance t is the elapsed time t1/2 is the half-life of the substance

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