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Time Management & Overcoming Procrastination PhD Skills Event Caroline Forsyth Adapated from presentation by Dr. Tamara OConnor.

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Presentation on theme: "Time Management & Overcoming Procrastination PhD Skills Event Caroline Forsyth Adapated from presentation by Dr. Tamara OConnor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Time Management & Overcoming Procrastination PhD Skills Event Caroline Forsyth Adapated from presentation by Dr. Tamara OConnor

2 Workshop Objectives Explore principles of goal setting and time management Learn about ways to control concentration Explore reasons for procrastination Review strategies for overcoming procrastination

3 Self-Management Manage self and resources –Planning Differences Expectations –Monitoring –Evaluating

4 Planning Strategies Goal setting Good time management Controlling distractions Overcoming procrastination

5 EXERCISE Discuss the various techniques you use to help manage your time. What works? What doesnt work?

6 SMART Goal Setting S = Specific M = Measurable A = Action R = Realistic T = Time-based

7 Possible Timeline Submit - 27 January 2011 Proposed draft deadlines: Draft 1Draft 2Final Revision Ch. 1 - Introduction Ch. 2 - Literature Review Ch. 3 - Methods Ch. 4 - Findings Interviews Ch. 5 - Findings Document/Inventory Ch. 6 - Discussion Ch. 7 - Conclusion Abstract

8 Time Management Take a few moments to discuss: When do you concentrate best? When do you actually get things done? When and why are there distractions?

9 Time Management Strategies Prioritise How?

10 Setting Priorities High Urgency LowUrgency HighImportance1 Do it now 2 Plan to do it LowImportance3 Resist giving it high priority 4 Time Wasters Busy work

11 Time Management Strategies Prioritise Specificity Small bite-size pieces Use all available time Structure the environment Establish a routine Scheduling

12 Scheduling Tips Time tables To do lists Prioritising system Monitor, evaluate, reward Relaxation time

13 Timetable TimeMonTueWedThursFriSatSun 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00

14 TimeMondayTuesdayWednesday Early Morning Morning Afternoon Evening Late Evening

15 CONCENTRATION Is the act of focusing our attention and abilities. CONCENTRATION Is the act of focusing our attention and abilities.

16 Concentration Sources of Distraction –External –Internal Control Distractions Take a few moments to discuss

17 Controlling External Distractions Structure study environment Establish a routine Negotiate Physical –E.g. unplug TV!

18 Controlling Internal Distractions List of concerns Worry time Mind wandering/daydreaming Building up time Mental rehearsal Thinking strategies Free up headspace Organisation

19 PROCRASTINATION Is to delay needlessly something that we believe would be to our benefit. PROCRASTINATION Is to delay needlessly something that we believe would be to our benefit.

20 Overcoming Procrastination Take action Salami technique Five minutes Work on related tasks Do the hardest bits first Set goals Reward yourself for achievement Make commitments

21 Your own procrastination Think about one problem that might develop and that leads to procrastination: Describe the problem. What is the source of the problem? What is the reason for the problem? Can you set a goal for a solution [be specific]? With your goal in mind what are your options [be practical in deciding your options]. What are the advantages of each of your options? What are the disadvantages of each of your options?

22 Summary Plan, monitor and evaluate your use of time Strategy or plan for overcoming procrastination Change doesnt come easy – small steps!

23 Traffic Light Red – What will you stop doing Amber – What you will continue to do Green – What will you start doing

24 Resources Resources/sta-index.aspx

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