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Having a goal can help you come up with a plan of action

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1 Having a goal can help you come up with a plan of action
Setting goals Having a goal can help you come up with a plan of action

2 Set both short-term and long-term goals
Short-term goals take hours or days to achieve. Long-term goals take weeks, months, or even years to achieve

3 Examples of short-term goals: (achieve within hours or days)
Get a B on my next history test Practice my soccer drills 3 times a week Have all my chores done by Friday Get all of my math assignments turned in on time this week Get the driveway shoveled by the time my parents get home …brainstorm your own… discuss…

4 Examples of long-term goals: (achieved within weeks, months, or even years)
Get all A’s and B’s on my next report card Make the basketball team next year Graduate with a 3.0 GPA Learn to play a musical instrument Make the Honor Roll this trimester Be on time to every class this trimester … brainstorm you own… discuss…

5 Make goals that are SPECIFIC
Not Specific: I will do better in math Specific: I will get a B in math this trimester Why is it important to be Specific?

6 Make goals that are MEASURABLE
Not Specific: I won’t be so shy in class. Specific: I will raise my hand at least three times today. Why is it important to be Measurable?

7 Make goals that are REALISTIC
Not Realistic: I usually get all C’s on my report card, but this trimester I will get straight A’s Realistic: I usually get all C’s on my report card, but this trimester I’m gong to get two B’s Why is it important to be Realistic?

8 WHAT ARE YOUR GOALS? Research shows that you are more likely to achieve a goal that is written down. Come up with two goals for yourself for this trimester and write it on page 54 in you agenda (bottom left hand corner). Is your goal Specific, Measurable, and Realistic?

9 What are some strategies to reach your goal?
Look back at the previous goals you set this school year. Did you achieve that goal? Why or why not? Were you close to achieving that goal?

10 Be sure to also set a few personal goals for yourself
Maybe you want to be in better shape, improve your athletic skills or earn some money Come up with two things you want to accomplish that don’t involve grades. Make those your personal goals.

11 Example: My goal is to have enough money to buy an iPod by the end of the next month. To help me reach my goal, I will: Find out where I can get the best price, and then figure out much I need to save Ask Mom if she has any jobs I can do to earn some money Save all my birthday money Baby-sit for my aunt and save the money I earn

12 remember… Successful people set goals and then work hard to achieve them. Having goals will help you become the person you want to be!

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