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How to classify a Gamma -ray source as a Blazar

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1 How to classify a Gamma -ray source as a Blazar
P. Giommi August 2005


3 Definition based on observed properties
Blazar : Broad-lined (FSRQ) or featureless (BL Lac) AGN with Flat radio spectrum Fast variability High and variable polarization Superluminal motion etc.

4 Paradigm-driven definition
AGN : Two main categories Powered by Accretion (AP-AGN) Powered by Non-Thermal radiation emitted in a Jet (NT-AGN) Blazars: NT-AGN viewed at a small angle w.r.t. jet axis Radio Galaxies: NT-AGN viewed at a large angle w.r.t. jet axis Broad-line radio galaxy (e.g. 3c120) : A combination of AP-AGN and “misdirected” NT-AGN

5 SSC and the ox - ro diagram
Blazar region

6 Radio galaxies and the ox - ro diagram
WMAP 150 = Pictor A Nuclear compact radio emission Radio galaxies

7 Energy bands with additional (confusing) components
Host galaxy Extended radio emission Radiation from accretion

8 Max EGRET Min EGRET 

9 Operational definition of Blazar to be used for GLAST catalog
NT-AGN or Synchro-Compton region radio galaxies Case where -ray detection is postionally associated with a source for which radio (at least one frequency), optical X-ray flux are known. ( ~25% of the cases ) ox and ro within NT-AGN region Additional characteristics that increase probability Variable source, radio-optical polarization r < threshold value and/or Radio compactness > threshold and/or rx > threshold value Blazar, else Radio galaxy Additional condition ensuring goodness of AGN-GLAST source association r > within observed range, - might change with time- [better  > 0.8 ]

10 Operational definition of Blazar to be used for GLAST catalog
NT-AGN or Synchro-Compton region radio galaxies Case where -ray source is postionally associated with a source for which radio (at least two frequencies), optical are known. (~75% of the cases) ro > 0.2 and r< threshold value Additional characteristics that increase probability Variable source, radio or optical polarization Additional condition ensuring goodness of AGN-GLAST source association r > within observed range, - might change with time- [better  > 0.8 ] Radio compactness > threshold value Blazar, else Radio galaxy

11 radio (at least two frequencies), optical
Operational definition of Non-Thermal radiation dominated AGN (NT-AGN) to be used for GLAST catalog Case where -ray source is postionally associated with a source for which radio (at least two frequencies), optical are known. (~75% of the cases) NT-AGN or Synchro-Compton region radio galaxies ro > 0.2 and r< threshold value Radio compactness > threshold value Blazar, else Radio galaxy Additional condition ensuring goodness of AGN-GLAST source association r > within observed range, - might change with time- [better  > 0.8 ]

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