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World War I Part #2.

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1 World War I Part #2

2 Why the U.S. Joins the War Germany begins “unrestricted submarine warfare,” (attacks on ALL ships in Allied waters, even civilian vessels). U.S. loses several merchant ships, and in 1915 a German u-boat torpedoed the British ship Lusitania. 1,200 passengers lost, including 128 American citizens.

3 Why the U.S. Joins the War Zimmerman Letter – a intercepted note from Germany asking Mexico to join the war to fight against America. 1917- President Woodrow Wilson: “the world must be made safe for democracy.” U.S. declares war on Germany.

4 Effects of U.S. Joining the War
The United States joining slowly turns the tide of the war in favor of the allies. November 1918 – German leader Kaiser Wilhelm II surrenders and his country has no option other than to sign a humiliating treaty. Treaty of Versailles (1919) ends “The Great War.”

5 Allied Dead / Wounded Central Dead / Wounded
Russia – 1,700,00 / 4,950,000 France – 1,358,000 / 4,266,000 Britain – 908,000 / 2,090,000 Italy – 462,000 / 954,000 U.S. – 51,000 / 206,000 Central Dead / Wounded Germany - 1,809,000 / 4,247,000 A-H – 923,000 / 3,620,000 Ottoman E. – 325,000 / 400,000

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