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TIME MANAGEMENT Using your Time Wisely. Time Management (TM) Myths TM is just common sense. I make good grades, so I must be using my time effectively.

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Presentation on theme: "TIME MANAGEMENT Using your Time Wisely. Time Management (TM) Myths TM is just common sense. I make good grades, so I must be using my time effectively."— Presentation transcript:

1 TIME MANAGEMENT Using your Time Wisely

2 Time Management (TM) Myths TM is just common sense. I make good grades, so I must be using my time effectively. I work better under pressure anyway. Planning my time takes too much work!

3 How much time do you have? Hour = 1,440 minutes Day = 24 hours Week = 168 hours Everyone has the same amount of time each day A. How are you using your 24 hours? List the top 5 things you spend your time on.

4 The 80/20 Principle The average person spends 80% of their time doing 20% of their work. The average person spends 20% of their time doing 80% of their work. Translation: People tend to cram their work into a small amount of time while wasting away lots of other time.

5 How do you waste your time? Text or talk on the phone? Check your email, Facebook, or Twitter? Watch TV? Play video games? Party? Procrastinate? B. What can you do to change bad habits? Write down your top time-waster and one action you can take to avoid that issue.

6 Evaluate your Strategy How much free time do you have? How are you going to use it? What are your priorities? What are your goals? Do you have a schedule? Do you use a planner? Do you stick to your plans? Are you on time when you need to be? Do you put things off when you shouldnt?

7 Top Priorities What is most important to you? Are you neglecting your priorities? Does your schedule need to change to reflect your priorities? Complete the Know Yourself activity now.

8 Go for the Goals Its easy to lose your TM way without goals! Goals should be SMART Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic Time Bound Short- and long-term goals are essential! C. What are you aiming for? List one short-term and one long-term goal.

9 Master Schedule Consider your values and goals Include concrete commitments (classes, work, weekly appointments, commute) Include study time for each course (1.5 hour sessions) Consider other tasks and how much time they require (usually double what you think) Set your schedule and make it a habit! D. Write some of your concrete commitments on your Master Schedule now. List three varying commitments on the worksheet.

10 Semester Calendar Use your syllabi to write in deadlines Can be used to see the big picture Help you determine how much time you should commit to each class See busy times vs. slow times Break down large tasks into smaller goals Check off accomplishments

11 Do Your To-Do List Daily! To-do lists help you stay focused Do not include class time Check it throughout the day Prioritize using ABCs: A) Vital – do today B) Important – do soon C) Optional – do in your extra time

12 AVOID PROCRASTINATION! Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today!

13 You procrastinate if you… Ignore a task and hope it goes away. Underestimate the work involved. Overestimate your abilities and resources. Spend endless hours online or playing video games. Deceive yourself into believing that a mediocre or bad performance is acceptable. Substitute a lower-priority task. Believe that minor delays wont hurt.

14 What can you do if you are a procrastinator? Commit, commit, commit to being on time or early. Set and keep deadlines. Organize, schedule & plan. Divide a big job into smaller ones. Make a game of it! Make it fun! Give yourself a prize when youre done. Stay accountable to friends or family.

15 You juggle so much… College Work Family Commute Friends Rest Clubs Exercise

16 These tips might help! Carefully evaluate your course load each semester. Limit work time to 20 hours or less if possible. Working on campus is much more conducive to your TM. Build in study time between classes. Carpool with classmates. Discuss class while commuting. Audio tape lectures. Listen to them while commuting. Save time for your relationships. Dont overcommit to clubs, organizations, or work. Schedule plenty of time for rest and play. Review your schedule for the day, every day. Make the most of your time on campus with resources like tutoring.

17 How will TM help YOU? Be more productive. Reduce your stress. Improve self-esteem. Achieve balance in your life. Establish important skills. Reach your goals.

18 Thank you for attending! Please complete the evaluation survey. Presented by: Eric B. Miller, Ed.M. University College Advising Center 615-898-2339 The Academic Success Series is sponsored by: MIDDLE TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY JAMES E. WALKER LIBRARY

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