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The Law Of God God has a law and the source of all true law.

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Presentation on theme: "The Law Of God God has a law and the source of all true law."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Law Of God God has a law and the source of all true law.
Moral Law governs the relationships humans have with God and with one another. We are unique because God has given us free will. With the free will we can choose to act in the right way or the wrong way.

2 Eternal Law The order in creation that reflects God’s will and purposes; it is eternal because it is true and never changes All other laws have their basis in Eternal Law. These other laws are only true when they reflect the truth of Eternal Law. There are consequences to pay if we go against the order God established in creation. These can be physical, relational, and spiritual.

3 Eternal Law and Moral Law
Moral law comes from God and is a rational expression of Eternal Law. Moral law reflects God’s wisdom and love. Every body can know the moral law through the gift of our conscience. Different expressions of moral law include Eternal Law/Divine Law, Natural Law, Revealed Law (Old and New Testament), Civil Law, and Church Law.

4 Eternal Law and Moral Law Continued
Moral truth is objective truth; it is not subjective. It is based in God’s Eternal Law. We simply cannot decide on our own that something is good when in God’s created order it is evil. Moral law needs to be applied to new historical situations and new scientific advances but this is the work of the entire church/civil authorities not just by one person.

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