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Unit 4 Get to the ROOT of it!.

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1 Unit 4 Get to the ROOT of it!

2 ROOTS Root Meaning Origin Latin born/birth viv/vit life, alive mort
death nat/nasc born/birth

3 revive—to make someone or something strong, healthy, or active again
The doctor tried to revive the patient using CPR.

4 vivacious—happy and lively in a way that is attractive, used especially of a woman
At the age of 75, my vivacious grandmother lives an active and exciting life.

5 vital—extremely important; very lively or energetic
My nurse played a vital role in my recovery, and without her I would still be very ill.

6 mortal—certain to die eventually, causing death
Every living organism is mortal and will eventually die.

7 mortify—to cause someone to feel extremely embarrassed and foolish
It would mortify Jean if she knew she was walking around all day with spinach stuck between her two front teeth.

8 mortuary—a funeral home or morgue where the deceased are prepared for funerals
The flowers were delivered to the mortuary for my great uncle’s funeral.

9 mortality—the quality or state of being a person or thing that is alive and therefore certain to die; the quality or state of being moral; the number of deaths that occur in a particular time or place Surviving a near-death car accident has reminded me of my own mortality.

10 innate—existing from the time a person or animal is born
McKenna had the innate ability to paint, and was creating amazing artwork with no formal training at the age of three.

11 nationality —the fact or status of being a member or citizen of a particular nation
She is American, but her parents are of German nationality.

12 native—born in a particular place; belonging to a person since birth or childhood; produced, living, or existing naturally in a particular region I am proud to be a native New Yorker, born and raised in Brooklyn.

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