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Hanmer Springs Water Supply

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1 Hanmer Springs Water Supply
Treatment Plant Overview Dan Harris 04/07/16

2 Rogerson Intake Water is taken from the Rogerson river above this concrete structure (weir) and flows through to the reservoir (pond)

3 Reservoir Water flows through to a turbidity meter (shown as valve chamber) that measures the turbidity. If it’s high then the water is discharged back to the river

4 Treatment Plant Overview
Processing Water enters the plant from the reservoir (pond) Water is filtered via 4 sand filters From the filters the water is pumped to the tank farm having been UV treated The plant is activated via a flow meter shown by the green line Water is pumped to tank farms and gravity fed to the township Operations If turbidity is high then the water is diverted away from the pond If the turbidity is high and the ponds are low, water is allowed into the ponds and chlorine dosing commences on the water supply to manage any health risk If power is lost to the plant the generator activates and the sites continues to run as normal If the generator fails to start the plant is shutdown and water cannot pass through the treatment plant

5 Future Works Improved Communications
Generator Visibility Control of Pumps and Reservoir Levels Remote Site Control Flocculent Treatment – this is a coagulant that combines small particles together to prevent them passing through the sand filters Chlorine Dosing Management FAC and Total Chlorine Monitoring

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