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Aims of this session To get feedback from you on work that the planning group has done so far To what extent do you feel this structure supports your needs.

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Presentation on theme: "Aims of this session To get feedback from you on work that the planning group has done so far To what extent do you feel this structure supports your needs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing mathematics support through Teaching Schools: The Mathematics SLE Toolkit

2 Aims of this session To get feedback from you on work that the planning group has done so far To what extent do you feel this structure supports your needs as an SLE? Are there any missing elements? Are there any other materials, resources, sources we should be linking to? To seek volunteers to help trial the modules in the autumn term 2

3 Aims of the project To co-develop modules which will support the work of specialist leaders of education (SLEs) by providing guidance on mathematics leadership and professional development that focus on: Strengthening mathematics subject leadership Strengthening mathematics subject knowledge

4 Three phases: A planning group will meet twice between May and July 2012 Modules will be trialled in the Autumn term by a number of other schools. These schools may be mathematics lead teaching schools, other teaching schools with interest in mathematics in both phases, or schools in their alliances Following the trial, we will organise a meeting with representatives from the planning and trialling stages to share feedback, undertake revisions if needed, plan wider dissemination and plan the production of more modules as appropriate.

5 For new or aspiring subject leader for mathematics, or maybe subject leaders who would like to think afresh about their role? Explores some of the key elements of subject leadership and core responsibilities of this demanding role.

6 Are you a Teaching School, an Academy, an Advanced Skills Teacher, a Specialist Leader In Education or someone working in a similar role and wish to support your staff, staff in your alliance or teachers in partner schools in working with other schools? These materials are for anyone who is interested in developing an approach to school-to-school collaboration and improvement.

7 Section 1 – “Working with another school: what does it involve
Section 1 – “Working with another school: what does it involve?” is intended to be helpful before beginning work in a school; Section 2 – “What resources and strategies can I use?” gives practical advice and ideas designed to be used during your work with another school; Section 3 – “How do I evaluate my work?” gives you a structure to reflect on your work after working with a school.


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10 Quicklinks School to school support CPD Useful links SLE community
Directory of MaLTS SLE prospectus SLE section of DfE web-site

11 Defining the role of the SLE
SLEs will work beyond their own schools, supporting individual or groups of leaders using a high-level coaching or facilitation approach …. This may involve a variety of support approaches, for example: one-to-one support facilitated group support use and analysis of data diagnosis of strengths and areas for development SLEs are outstanding middle and senior leaders … with at least 2 years experience in a particular field of expertise. SLEs have the capacity, skills and commitment to support other individuals or teams, in similar positions in other schools. SLEs will act as ‘system leaders’, supporting individual leaders and teams in other schools by using a high level coaching or facilitation approach … SLEs will support high quality professional development of leaders and may also potentially play a key role in the future development of school-to- school support, by identifying outstanding future leaders.

12 Defining the role of the SLE
The clear message is to work with a school or group of teachers, to get to know their own situation and enable them to develop their practice from within. This is a work with, not a done to model. Therefore the key skills of coaching and mentoring are a vital part of an SLE’s tool kit. For further support related to this see Section 1.2 of the Schools Working Together materials. This section and, indeed, the entire Schools Working Together microsite would be ideal to use either on your own or with other mathematics SLEs for your own professional development.

13 Developing the role of the SLE
Another key SLE role is to develop systems and structures within the Teaching School alliance to enable subject leaders and other potential influencers to work in the same way in their own institutions. As the SLE role develops, the intention is that leadership of CPD becomes distributed across all schools in the alliance so that SLEs are not always the direct providers but play the important role of leading, managing and deploying suitable support. This is the vital “system leader” aspect of the role referred to above; identifying and developing talent wherever it exists.

14 Overview Effective Practice Strategies and advice Resources Ofsted
Quicklinks School to school support CPD Useful links SLE community Directory of MaLTS SLE prospectus SLE section of DfE web-site Overview Effective Practice Strategies and advice Resources Ofsted Case Studies

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16 Discussion Questions To what extent do you feel this structure supports your needs as an SLE? Are there any missing elements? Are there any other materials, resources, sources we should be linking to? Trialling – are you interested?

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