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We’re all in this Together: Meaningful Family and Community Involvement Chapter 12.

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Presentation on theme: "We’re all in this Together: Meaningful Family and Community Involvement Chapter 12."— Presentation transcript:

1 We’re all in this Together: Meaningful Family and Community Involvement
Chapter 12

2 “What the best and wisest parent wants for his own child, that must the community want for all its children.” 5 Plato said that. Horace Mann said that. John Dewey said that. George W. Bush said that.

3 Lack of parent participation
Lack of babysitting Lack of transportation Inability to take time from the job(s) Inability to speak and/or understand English Belief that the school knows best, so no reason to come Little education, intimidated by the teacher Disability or illness, reducing ease of mobility

4 James Comer says a society must:
Develop a sound and growing economy that permits the participation of all citizens. Maintain sound community and family functioning so that critical tasks, particularly child rearing, can be well performed. Have a culture that values both and facilitates the critical interaction between the two.

5 I want to spend most of my efforts toward:
5 Making a living economically. Making a successful home life. Having an enjoyable life. Finding balance, thus optimizing none of the above

6 What Parents Want Don’t give up on Students Maintain high Expectations
Enhance lines of Communication Put variety in the Instructional Day Build Strong Relationships

7 Teachers should listen for:
What would you like me to know about your child? What is working well for you and your child about this class/school? What concerns do you have about your child’s academic progress, this class, or this school? What do you need to know more about? How do you think the educational experience could be more meaningful for everyone?

8 Teachers should listen for:
What are ways that you would like your child’s culture to be affirmed in school? What are examples of the ways that your child’s culture has been negated in school? What should we do differently? What kinds of experiences or instructional materials would you like to be a part of your child’s experiences at school?

9 The Coalition for Community Schools works to achieve the goals
Children are ready to learn when they enter school and every day thereafter. All students learn and achieve to high standards. Families and neighborhoods are safe, supported, and engaged. Parents and community members are involved with the school and their own lifelong learning.

10 Coalition for Community Schools’ six key principles
Foster strong partnerships Share accountability for results Set high expectations for all Build on the community’s strengths Embrace diversity Avoid cookie cutter solutions

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