Genealogy And The Internet

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1 Genealogy And The Internet
Presentation by Robert (Greg) Gregoire 12/6/2018

2 Internet Locations For Research
SSDI (Social Security Death Index 1962) SSDI is from 1962 to last month update. Census Online & Census Finder use almost the same data bases. They are update at different times however so it worthwhile to check them both out. The Family history library is free and has a complete index of the 1880 federal census. You can use Heritage Quest only from your library or is you have a Sumter County card from The Villages library you can search it from your own computer. Ancestry probably has one of the most complete census. It indexes every name for all the census that are on the images. Cost is not cheap however. Since Ancestry owns Family Tree Maker there is a direct tie in to ancestry from FTM. 12/6/2018

3 Internet Locations For Research
Census images at Ancestry, Heritage Quest, Family History Library, and others such as Census Online and Census Finder. 12/6/2018

4 Internet Locations For Research
Cyndi Howells. She is the maker of Cyndi’s Lists 12/6/2018

5 Downloadable Genealogy Charts and Forms
Family Tree Magazine has a huge collection of downloadable forms on the company's web site. 12/6/2018

6 Downloadable Genealogy Charts and Forms has downloadable forms that are as nice looking as the commercially available forms. 12/6/2018

7 Downloadable Genealogy Charts and Forms also has a collection of online forms. 12/6/2018

8 Downloadable Genealogy Charts and Forms offers a number of downloadable genealogy forms. 12/6/2018

9 Downloadable Genealogy Charts and Forms
Misbach Enterprises houses one of the largest collections of downloadable genealogy charts in Adobe PDF format. All the charts are formatted to fit on 8.5" x 11" paper. 12/6/2018

10 Downloadable Genealogy Charts and Forms
All of the forms that we just mentioned are F R E E 12/6/2018

11 Software available Family Tree Maker Currently Version 16 12/6/2018

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13 Personal Ancestral File
Software available Personal Ancestral File F R E E 12/6/2018

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