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Homework English Del 13-17 de junio 2016.

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1 Homework English Del de junio 2016

2 1° Miss Silvia Chinolla Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

3 2° Miss Silvia Chinolla Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
STUDY GUIDE Review exam No homework

4 3° Mr. Eulises Farfan Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Write five imperative sentences Complete the following sentences : The ____displayed their paintings. She loves to ____on stage. ____are broken into categories. The ____played their instruments Make three columns and write in the correct column the words with 1 syllable, 2 syllable and 3 syllable: Tradition, music, microphone, drrum, solo, festival, crowd, dancers, great. write the meaning of unknown words. No homework

5 Mr. Eulises Farfan Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday write the meaning of the unknown words from the reading write five sentences in past progressive. Complete the following sentences : This valuable painting is ____ a million dollar Our country’s ____ can be coins or paper bills. My Friends ____special wristband with each other. Complete each statement with the following words: where, first, animals, fish. The root init means “beginning”. The initial class was the ____ The root loc means “place” location is _____ something occurs. The root aqua means “water” . In aquarium there are ____ The root bio means “life”. A biologist studies _____. No homework

6 5° Mr. Jesús Quiroga Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Use a Story Map to retell your favorite story Write a short paragraph using this three words To Two too Create a story map chart about your favorite sstory. Include the information below, 1. Characters 2. Setting Beginning 4. Middle 5. End Finish the project you choose at home. No Class

7 6° Mr. Jesús Quiroga Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Complete your own main idea/details web for a paragraph about time travel or science fiction. Write a sentence with each of the key words below. Astronaut mission Gravity NASA Historic Simulation Write the cognate word for each English word below. Atmosphere Cafeteria Music Air explosion Answer questions below according to reading 4. What caused some systems in the Apollo 13 spacecraft to no longer function? How did the Apollo 13 astronauts vision of the future change after the explosion? What did you learn about the space program that you did not know? NO CLASS

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