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MED2001 Advanced Media Production

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1 MED2001 Advanced Media Production
Dr Sophia Drakopoulou

2 Welcome to MED2001 3 Media blocks every 4 weeks Web
Digital Image and Layout Video 1990s 2010s

3 Outputs Media Convergence You are expected to combine media and use technology and content with contextual awareness and conceptual development. Each project must incorporate the following media: video, flyer print or web, use of typography, website and / or social media.

4 Responsibilities USB stick Independent Study 4 hours a week
Must prepare before each workshop Learning log ‘flight hours’ Adobe Creative Suite CS6 USB stick

5 Project examples 1 Self Promotion blog.
Glimpse and escape Magazine april-2013/ Fame Redefined. redefined/ http://

6 Project examples 2 Harlem Shake.
0YZQXM0 promotion: atch?v=dU7Dvv35IIg

7 Internet Memes Flash mobs Harlem shake speed and connectivity
Flash Mobs are generally non-political acts. understood in relation to communication and mobility speed and connectivity Harlem shake Internet Meme that went viral Source: Adriana de Souza e Silva, and, and Jordan Frith,2010. "Locative mobile social networks: mapping communication and location in urban spaces," Mobilities, volume 5, number 4, pp You didn't make the Harlem Shake go viral - Corporation did. 2013

8 Assessment Formative: A4 Page in In Design
Blog with social media integration 1 min video with titles, soundtrack and cut sequence

9 Summative Assessment Brief is specific to your programme of study
Technical competency up to you Group work Creative project with endless possibilities Be creative !

10 Assessment criteria Contextual and conceptual development
1. Target audience. Content, style, design and platform are appropriate for chosen target audience. 2. Communication of message. Project concept is clear, aims and message are clear and well communicated. 3. Clarity of Presentation. A Well executed concept. Project and concept should be coherently presented. 4. Level of completion. Project is complete or near completion. Technical aspects 5. Quality of media used, Quality of image layout and of integration of media. The quality of the end format is well made with a high quality finish. 6. Appropriateness of media technology and or platform. Combination of media and platforms are appropriate to subject mater. The chosen final output must be appropriate to chosen theme.

11 New VLE Virtual Learning Environment MOODLE
Reading List all E-Books! Help guide and workshop guides Demonstration

12 Integrating social media
QR codes Facebook groups Google maps

13 Cybersalon Get Involved!
Monthly events free for you to attend Network of academics, practitioners and creative Networking opportunities

14 Managing the Facebook Group
Cybersalon Facebook group case study

15 Next week workshops Get an account at wordpress and have this ready for workshops next week Start thinking about the blog you want to create.

16 Discussion Questions Campus faculties
The Grove and digital media workshop rooms

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