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Brainstorming Scheduling Issues

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1 Brainstorming Scheduling Issues
March 20, 2014

2 We surveyed schools with the following questions.
What are the priorities when creating a schedule? 2. How is your schedule aligned with the recommended subject time allotments? 3. Who is responsible for creating the schedule? Who is accountable for ensuring that the schedules are adhered to? . Do students have access to uninterrupted blocks of instructional time to receive in-depth connected instruction? 5. Define your scheduling tights. What is the procedure for instruction when there is a special event? What are your expectations for time allotted for transitions within the classroom and moving around the building? 8. Is there a “team time” at your school? If so, how many days of the week? Are schedules visible or posted in classrooms? 10. How are your intervention/enhancement teachers delivering their services? In-class and/or pull-out? How are decisions made to delivery approach?

3 Making Every Minute Count
Refer to Policy Brief Making Every Minute Count


5 Quality Time Analysis Tool Results from an Elementary School
Reduce passing time to 3 min. between classes = added 1,800 minutes per year back into instruction

6 Quality Time Analysis Tool Results from an Elementary School
When lunch was first: younger students spent 7 minutes washing hands When recess first: washing hands fell between recess and lunch

7 Quality Time Analysis Tool Results from an Elementary School
Outcome: Gained 21 hours of lost instructional time Combine lunch and recess together, rotate subjects before and after


9 Yates Mill Schedule

10 Making Every Minute Count
How to change the culture to be about every minute counts. When leaders in a building are talking about every minute counts, the culture becomes about the importance of instructional time. Support new/less experienced teachers and staff in using time effectively. What is your next step? If you are not there yet with time allotments, that can be a place to start If you have the allotted time, but don’t know if teachers are adhering to the instructional schedule Teachers on a grade level all have their own individual schedule when they teach a subject, start there Making Every Minute Count

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