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Space Complexity Costas Busch - LSU.

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Presentation on theme: "Space Complexity Costas Busch - LSU."— Presentation transcript:

1 Space Complexity Costas Busch - LSU

2 for deterministic Turing machine:
Space complexity for deterministic Turing machine: Maximum number of cells that the machine scans on any input string of size …… …… …… …… input string total space used Costas Busch - LSU

3 for non-deterministic Turing machine:
Space complexity for non-deterministic Turing machine: Maximum number of cells that the machine scans on any input string of size in any computation path …… …… …… …… input string total space used Costas Busch - LSU

4 all deterministic decidable languages that use space
all non-deterministic decidable languages that use space Costas Busch - LSU

5 Example linear space problem
SAT: given a formula check in linear space each possible assignment to variables Costas Busch - LSU

6 An interesting problem:
it is not known if it is in NP However, the problem is in Costas Busch - LSU

7 Savitch’s Theorem Costas Busch - LSU

8 Given NTM that decides in space
Build DTM that decides in space Costas Busch - LSU

9 Assume NTM clears the tape when it aceepts
and enters a special configuration Costas Busch - LSU

10 Does configuration yield in steps?
Key idea: Does configuration yield in steps? Costas Busch - LSU

11 Recursion Costas Busch - LSU

12 recursion Possibilities for : Costas Busch - LSU

13 Info stored at each tree level:
Run: Depth of search tree: Info stored at each tree level: Total space: Costas Busch - LSU

14 Checks also if space used by NTM is more than f(n)
Difficulty: is not known Guess it: Checks also if space used by NTM is more than f(n) Costas Busch - LSU

15 Trivially: From Savitch theorem: Costas Busch - LSU

16 Costas Busch - LSU

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