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Tangible Interaction & Augmented Reality

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1 Tangible Interaction & Augmented Reality
(setup whiteboard) This course is a broad graduate-level introduction to HCI research. The course begins with seminal work on interactive systems, and moves through current and future research areas in interaction techniques and the design, prototyping, and evaluation of user interfaces. Topics include computer-supported cooperative work; audio, speech, and multimodal interfaces; user interface toolkits; design methods; evaluation methods; ubiquitous and context-aware computing; tangible interfaces; haptic interaction; and mobile interfaces. Scott Klemmer · 24 October 2006

2 “The future is already here. It is just not uniformly distributed”
—William Gibson mentioned in Bill Buxton, Forward Into the Past, Time Magazine, 10/11/2004

3 Graphical User Interfaces
Potato, keyboard, small “desktop” Seated, single-user Structured tasks (word processing, spreadsheets, …) Motivate tangible – today the world inside the monitor on our desk and the world outside the monitor on our desk don’t know anything about each other at all. Yet most of our tasks bridge both the physical and electronic worlds. Working through code ideas on a whiteboard before implementing. Or printing out a conference paper draft to read and edit it. Tangible user interfaces augment the physical world by integrating digital information with everyday physical objects. An example of a tangible interface that I built is The Designers’ Outpost. Design teams work on a wall with physical post-it notes. These notes are tracked with a computer vision system, and this physical input serves as a control for the electronic world. For example, these notes can be electronically linked. When a user moves a physical note, as we see in the second image, the electronic link moves along with it.

4 Tangible User Interfaces
Augment the physical world, integrating digital information with everyday physical objects Generally, physical input controls graphical or audio output Motivate tangible – today the world inside the monitor on our desk and the world outside the monitor on our desk don’t know anything about each other at all. Yet most of our tasks bridge both the physical and electronic worlds. Working through code ideas on a whiteboard before implementing. Or printing out a conference paper draft to read and edit it. Tangible user interfaces augment the physical world by integrating digital information with everyday physical objects. An example of a tangible interface that I built is The Designers’ Outpost. Design teams work on a wall with physical post-it notes. These notes are tracked with a computer vision system, and this physical input serves as a control for the electronic world. For example, these notes can be electronically linked. When a user moves a physical note, as we see in the second image, the electronic link moves along with it.

5 Three main types Everyday (no actuation) Mechatronic Ambient


7 This is my literature review; terminology & taxonomy is mine.

8 Collaborage [Moran et al, UIST99]
Rasa [McGee et al, CHI02] Collaborage [Moran et al, UIST99] Illuminating Light [CHI98]

9 Paper Flight Strips [Mackay et al, CHI98]
MediaBlocks [Ullmer] Better explain story: one controller passes strip to second controller. Paper Flight Strips [Mackay et al, CHI98] Palette [Nelson, CHI99]

10 Audio Notebook [Stifelman, CHI01]
Physical Triggers Books with Voices [CHI03] Audio Notebook [Stifelman, CHI01] Listen Reader [Back, CHI01]




14 What is a tangible interface?
Does my keyboard & mouse count? Spatially multiplexed High degree of cognitive mapping



17 What is augmented reality?
At first blush, the integration of bits (carried by the user) into the world of atoms Does my mobile phone count?

18 Next Time… Design Tools
DENIM: An Informal Web Site Design Tool Inspired by Observations of Practice, Mark W. Newman, James Lin, Jason I. Hong, James A. Landay

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