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2 I. Characteristics of Living Things
A. cells 1. DNA water B. homeostasis 1. Same unchanging internal environment C. Obtain & use Energy Eat photosynthesis breath (gas exchange)

3 D. Growth E. reproduction F. Respond Respond to stimuli in environment
Stimulus = what causes response Action = response

4 II. BIO A. Bio = life 1. Biology = study of life 2. biotic = living
3. Abiotic = not living B. Organic = part of or produced by living thing C. Inorganic = not and never was part of a living thing Made by physical processes

5 III. Spontaneous Generation
A. Definition: life created from non-living materials 1. frogs from mud 2. mice from rags B. Redi – Disproved maggots come from rotten meat 1668

6 C. Pasteur – disproved that microorganisms come from air (1850)

7 IV. Cells A. first cells observed by Robert Hooke in 1665
1. observed dead cork cells 2. Used light microscope B. Light microscope 1. passes light through objects 2. lenses magnify 3. mirror reflects light to ∆ direction


9 C. First to observe Living cells
1. Anton van Leeuwenhoek, 1674 2. Observed single celled organisms in pond water D. schleiden - All Plants are made of cells E. Schwann - All animals are made of cells (1838) F. Schwann - all living things made of cells (1839) F. Virchow - All cells come from other cells (1850) G. lead to cell Theory of today

10 V. Cell Theory 1. All organisms are made of cells
2. Cells come from other cells 3. a single cell is the smallest unit of life


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