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Guide to Using Minitab For Basic Statistical Applications

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1 Guide to Using Minitab For Basic Statistical Applications
To Accompany Business Statistics: A Decision Making Approach, 6th Ed. Chapter 5: Using Probability and Discrete Probability Distributions By Groebner, Shannon, Fry, & Smith Prentice-Hall Publishing Company Copyright, 2005

2 Chapter 5 Minitab Examples
Binomial Mean - Catalog Sales Binomial Standard Deviation Poisson Distribution Heritage Tile More Examples

3 Chapter 5 Minitab Examples
Standard Normal State Bank and Trust Exponential Distribution Haines Internet Services

4 Binomial Mean Catalog Sales
Issue: People who order items from catalogs can return the items for a refund. Historical return rate for one catalog has been 11 percent. Is this rate still valid? Objective: Use Minitab to compute binomial probabilities based on a sample of 300 purchases.

5 Binomial Mean – Catalog Sales
Situation Sample Size is n=300 p = .11 Mean = np = 300(.11) = 33 44 returns were observed P(X > 44) = 1 – P(X < 43) Find P(X < 43) = ?

6 Binomial Probabilities – EPA Standards
Select Calc – Probability Distributions - Binomial

7 Binomial Mean – Catalog Sales
Specify Cumulative probability, Number of trials, success probability, and the Input constant (= number of successes)

8 Binomial Mean – Catalog Sales
Binomial Probability – Now Take = .03

9 Binomial Distribution Catalog Sales
Issue: People who order items from catalogs can return the items for a refund. Historical return rate for one catalog has been 11 percent. There will be variation from sample to sample. Objective: Use Minitab to generate the binomial distribution and histogram to visually see spread in the distribution of possible results.

10 Binomial Distribution – Catalog Sales
Situation Sample Size is n=300 p = .11 Mean = np = 300(.11) = 33 Standard Deviation =

11 Binomial Distribution – Catalog Sales
Select Calc – then select Probability Distribution – then Binomial

12 Binomial Standard Deviation – Catalog Sales
Binomial based on n=300 trials and p = Click OK. Select Cumulative probability and enter the number of successes.

13 Binomial Distribution – Catalog Sales
Cumulative Probability P(x < 43) = P(x < 44)

14 Poisson Distribution Heritage Title Issue:
The distribution for the number of defects per tile made by Heritage Tile is Poisson distributed with a mean of 3 defects per tile. The manager is worried about the high variability Objective: Use Minitab to generate the Poisson distribution and histogram to visually see spread in the distribution of possible defects.

15 Poisson Standard Deviation – Heritage Tile
Select Calc – then select Probability Distributions – then Poisson Create Number column (0 – 10)

16 Poisson Standard Deviation – Heritage Tile
Mean = 3.0 Select Probability and the Input column. Enter the Number column and storage column

17 Poisson Standard Deviation – Heritage Tile
To construct the histogram – see the process outlined in the Capital Credit Union tutorial in Chapter 2.

18 Standard Normal State Bank and Trust
Issue: State bank managers have studied the time customers spend at the bank on business. They plan to offer a gift certificate to any customer who is required to spend over 30 minutes on bank business. Objective: Use Minitab to analyze to create histogram and determine the probability that a certificate will be given to any customer. The data file is State Bank.mtw.

19 Standard Normal – State Bank and Trust
Open Data File: State Bank.mtw

20 Create Cutpoint Column

21 Standard Normal – State Bank and Trust
Select Graph - Histogram

22 Standard Normal – State Bank and Trust
Define variable for analysis – Set Display to Bar – Click on Options

23 Standard Normal – State Bank and Trust
Select CutPoint as Type of Interval and insert Cutpoints column

24 Standard Normal – State Bank and Trust
Specify Color of Histogram bars, etc. Check Edit Attributes

25 Standard Normal – State Bank and Trust
Use Annotate to set titles, etc.

26 Standard Normal – State Bank and Trust
Completed Histogram – next determine probability of a customer waiting over 30 minutes

27 Standard Normal – State Bank and Trust
Select Stat – Basic Statistics – Display Descriptive Statistics

28 Standard Normal – State Bank and Trust
Specify variable for analysis

29 Standard Normal – State Bank and Trust
Mean and Standard Deviation

30 Standard Normal – State Bank and Trust
Select Calc – Probability Distribution - Normal

31 Standard Normal – State Bank and Trust
Set to Cumulative Probability – Specify Mean and Standard Deviation and the input constant(x = 30 here)

32 Standard Normal – State Bank and Trust
P(X <30) = .9024 Then P (x > 30) = = .0976

33 Exponential Distribution Haines Internet Services
Issue: The time between connect attempts averages two minutes and the distribution of time between attempts is assumed to be exponential. Objective: Use Minitab to compute the probability that that the time between connect attempts will be less or equal to 45 seconds.

34 Exponential Distribution – Haines Internet Services
Use Calc – Probability Distributions - Exponential

35 Exponential Distribution – Haines Internet Services
Check Cumulative – Specify Mean = 120 seconds and define input constant (= 45 here).

36 Exponential Distribution – Haines Internet Services
Exponential Distribution Probability Result P(X < .45 seconds) = .3127

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