FP2 (MEI) Maclaurin Series

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2 FP2 (MEI) Maclaurin Series
Let Maths take you Further…

3 Finding and using Maclaurin series
Before you start… You need to have covered the work on inverse trigonometrical functions. When you have finished… You should: Be able to find the Maclaurin series of a function, including the general term in simple cases. Appreciate that the series may converge only for a restricted set of values of x. Identify and be able to use the Maclaurin series of standard functions.

4 The general binomial expansion

5 Polynomial approximations

6 Consider f(x) = ex

7 When x=0 When x=0




11 For what values of x is this polynomial approximation valid for?

12 Autograph

13 In general terms….

14 Can you think of a ‘standard’ function of x such that the function and its derivatives evaluated at zero are undefined?

15 Can you explain why it is possible by referring to the graphs of lnx and ln(1+x)?



18 All Maclaurin expansions are centred on x=0
All Maclaurin expansions are centred on x=0. But it is possible to form expansions centred elsewhere. These latter two formulae are alternative versions of the ‘Taylor approximations’ centred on x=a. Notice Maclaurin is a special case of a Taylor approximation (using a=0)



21 Alternatively!!!!!



24 There are three methods to consider; we’ll work through the second method



27 Finding and using Maclaurin series
When you have finished… You should: Be able to find the Maclaurin series of a function, including the general term in simple cases. Appreciate that the series may converge only for a restricted set of values of x. Identify and be able to use the Maclaurin series of standard functions.

28 Independent study: Using the MEI online resources complete the study plan for Power series 1 Do the online multiple choice test for this and submit your answers online.

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