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Unit 7: Twentieth Century Since 1945

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1 Unit 7: Twentieth Century Since 1945
Global History II Review

2 Cold War Europe Divided Germany and Japan Rebuild
West Europe/ Germany (Pro Democracy) East Europe/ Germany (Communist) Iron Curtain/ Berlin Wall Germany and Japan Rebuild Democracy comes to West Germany Germany learned lessons from Holocaust Japan adopts Constitution (Democracy)

3 Cold War Superpowers (USA vs. USSR) Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan
Economic and military plans to assist European nations sympathetic to democracy NATO vs. Warsaw Pact Nations Defensive alliances formed (Dem/ Com) North Atlantic Treaty Organization (Dem) Warsaw Pact (Communists)

4 Cold War Events of the Cold War across World
Arms Race between nations (Nuclear as well) Space Race (Sputnik and race to the moon) Korean War (1950) Ended with N & S Koreas Vietnam War (1960s-70s) Communists won

5 Cold War Cold War in the Middle East
Egypt/ USSR vs. Israel/ USA USA and USSR interest in Iranian Oil fields Cold War in Africa (Congo and Angola) Cold War in Latin America (Cuba) Fidel Castro turned to Soviets for aide Failed Bay of Pigs invasion by USA Cuban Missile Crisis- brink of tensions

6 Cold War Nonaligned Nations Nations that chose not to join either side
India, Yugoslavia, Switzerland, and many African nations

7 Economic Issues Market Economy vs. Command Economy
Market = capitalism (private) Command = communism (state)

8 Economic Issues Economic recovery and cooperation
European nations worked together Common Market and the European Union (Euro$) Japan becomes an economic superpower Economic reforms and favorable balance of trade have helped economy of Japan OPEC and Oil in the Middle East Cartel: Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries controls the worlds oil supply (price)

9 Chinese Communist Revolution
Communists Rise to Power under Mao Long March: fought off Nationalist forces Peasants joined forces with Mao and Reds Great Leap Forward: created communes Cultural Revolution: renew loyalty to Marxism

10 Collapse of European Imperialism
Indian Independence and Partition (1947) Britain gives India independence Muslims and Hindus clashed/ Pakistan made Democratic/Parliamentary form of government Hindu Caste system underwent changes Status of women drastically improve (leaders) Independent Nations in Africa Pan-Africanism: Failed attempt to have a unified continent of Africa (like United States)

11 Collapse of European Imperialism
Independent Nations in Africa Ghana: Kwame Nkrumah (Pan-Africanism) Kenya: Jomo Kenyatta from Britain Algeria: Fought French for freedom

12 Collapse of European Imperialism
Difficulties and Struggle Vietnam: Ho Chi Minh fought for freedom from French colonial rule Vietnam then involved in war (Communists and Nationalists fought for control) Cambodia: Khmer Rouge under Pol Pot led a reign of terror over the people over million were killed Myanmar: Former British possession now led by military junta despite elections

13 Conflicts in Middle East
Geography (crossroads of the world) Oil resources has brought tremendous wealth State of Israel creates tensions with Arabs 1947 Israel is created by UN for a Jewish homeland following the Holocaust Palestinians and Arab-Israeli Wars Still tensions and fighting in the area

14 Conflicts in Middle East
Iranian Revolution (1979) 1953 Shah Reza Pahlavi westernized Iran 1970s opposition the Shah led by Ayatollah Khomeini and overthrew the government Islamic Fundamentalism rose in ME Issues with Iraq and Saddam Hussein Iran-Iraq War: 1980 border dispute Persian Gulf War: 1991 Iraq invaded Kuwait

15 Collapse of Communism (USSR)
Cold War Tensions begin to thaw (1970s) Détente- lessening of tensions SALT (disarmament talks) Soviets invade Afghanistan and lose Gorbachev brings reforms to USSR Perestroika: Economic reforms (free market) Glasnost: Openness to discuss problems

16 Collapse of Communism (USSR)
Breakup of the Soviet Union (1991) Republics broke free of USSR (Baltic lands) Eastern Europe changes to Democracies Poland: Lech Walesa and Solidarity movement moved toward democracy Germany is united as one nation (Wall Falls) Ethnic Tensions surfaced in Balkans Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia broke apart

17 Changes in Latin America
Political and social upheavals after WWII Argentina: Juan Peron came to power Repressive government Nicaragua: Sandinistas (communists) vs. Contras for control of country Mexico: Periods of rebellion Panama: Panama Canal important (trade) Catholic Church important in society

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