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Beryllium and cadmium toxicity

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1 Beryllium and cadmium toxicity
Domina Petric, MD

2 Beryllium (Be) Be is a light alkaline metal used in: alloys ceramics
dental appliances nuclear weapons computers

3 Beryllium (Be) Be is highly toxic by inhalation.
It is classified by IARC as a class 1 known human carcinogen. Inhalation of beryllium particles produces progressive pulmonary fibrosis and may lead to lung cancer. Skin disease develops in workers overexposed to beryllium. Pulmonary disease is called chronic beryllium disease (CBD): chronic granulomatous pulmonary fibrosis. CBD is progressive and may lead to severe disability and death. The prognosis is poor in most cases.


5 Beryllium (Be) The current permissible exposure levels for Be are 0,001 mcg/m3 averaged over a 30-day perior.

6 Cadmium (Cd) Cd is a transition metal widely used in industry:
nickel cadmium batterics pigments low-melting-point cutectic materials solder television phosphors plating operations semiconductors plastics

7 Cadmium (Cd) Cadmium smelting is often done from residual dust from lead smelting operations. Cadmium smelter workers often face both lead and cadmium toxicity.

8 Cadmium (Cd) Cd is toxic by inhalation and by ingestion.
Acute respiratory disorder called cadmium fume fever is common in welders: shaking chills, cough, fever and malaise.

9 Cadmium (Cd) Cadmium fume fever may produce pneumonia, but it is usually transient. Chronic exposure to cadmium dust produces serious progressive pulmonary fibrosis.

10 Cadmium (Cd) Cd also causes severe kidney damage that can progress to renal failure. Cd is human carcinogen group 1. The current PEL for cadmium is 5 mcg/m3.

11 Katzung, Masters, Trevor. Basic and clinical pharmacology. Katzung, Masters, Trevor. Basic and clinical pharmacology.

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