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Macbeth Act I.

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1 Macbeth Act I

2 Scene 1 Setting: a deserted heath It is thundering and lightening
Foreshadowing Indicates evil to come Three witches “fair is foul, and foul is fair paradox

3 Scene 2 Situation: Rebels Macdonwald and Cawdor have allied themselves with Norway Macbeth is leading the Scottish army Setting: Battle encampment A wounded soldier brings news from the battlefield

4 Scene 2 Macbeth has killed the traitor Macdonwald
The traitor Cawdor has been captured and sentenced to death King Duncan gives the title Thane of Cawdor to Macbeth as a reward

5 Scene 3 The three witches great Macbeth Hail Macbeth, Thane of Glamis
This is his current title Hail Macbeth, Thane of Cawdor He does not know that Duncan has conferred this honor on him yet Hail Macbeth, king hereafter

6 Scene 3 The witches greet Banquo Statements are paradoxical
Lesser than Macbeth and greater Not so happy, yet much happier Thou shalt get kings, though thou be none Statements are paradoxical

7 Scene 3 Banquo is skeptical of the witches greetings
Macbeth takes them literally Ross arrives and tells Macbeth he is now the Thane of Cawdor Macbeth begins contemplating killing the king

8 Literary Terms Aside: something a character says that only the audience hears Example: “Glamis, and Thane of Cawdor./ The greatest is behind.” Theme: the underlying message or central idea the author would like us to learn from the work “Appearances can be deceiving”

9 Scene 4 King Duncan is too trusting of individuals
Trusted Cawdor and Cawdor betrayed him Trusted Macbeth and Macbeth is contemplating killing him He is deceived by outward appearances

10 Scene 4 Duncan names his son Malcolm as his successor
This violates the right of Tanistry Eldest son may not automatically inherit Duncan decides to go to Inverness Macbeth’s castle

11 Tanistry and the Right of Inheritance in Scotland
Inheritance in Scotland was not a simple matter of the eldest son assuming the rights and titles of his father The Tanist was the heir presumptive and his right to the throne was not conferred by the father, but by the mother Typically the Tanist would be the son of the reigning king’s sister rather than a son of the king

12 Tanistry This might appear to be unusual or unfair
Remember they were living in troubled times The grown child had to be an adult who was capable of waging war if required The eldest child may have been sickly Caused rivalry which resulted in murders Duncan ignores this law when he appoints Malcolm his successor

13 Scene 5 Macbeth sends a letter to his wife to tell her his good news plus the witches predictions She begins to plan the murder Shows support of his quest to be king

14 Scene 6 Duncan and company arrive at Inverness This is ironic
Macbeth is planning to kill him Duncan thinks Macbeth plans to honor him

15 Scene 7 Macbeth begins to have second thoughts
Lady Macbeth talks him into it Her part in the plan will be to drug the king’s guards and smear them with Duncan’s blood Frame them for the murder

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