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Schema Issues.

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1 Schema Issues

2 Testing Phase Test Action Sheets: Test Reports
Austria, Belgium (Wallonia), Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, England Know from enquiries that Belgium (Flanders), Czech Republic, Ireland and Slovakia are also testing Test Reports Austria, England and Germany. Analysis of Test Reports won't start until after the declared final date for comments (26 September).

3 Testing Log Increase in queries since 19th September
Issues log: WFD_testing_queries_log.xls

4 Data Successfully Uploaded (By 23/09/05 - Not cross validated)
XML FILES SPATIAL DATA – SHAPE FILES MS RBD SWB GWB Prot Area Rivers Lakes Coastal Trans Ground Prot Areas DE P ES IT MT NL SE SK 2 RBDs UK

5 Example Submitted Data
Uploaded files from Germany RBD XML file: DE_RBD_DE4000ver1.xml RBD HTML report: DE_RBD_DE4000ver1.htm SWB XML file: DE_SWB_DE4000ver1.xml

6 SWB Grid View (from XMLSpy)

7 Schema Issues (-)dd.ddddd pattern for Lat/Long
Different methods of specifying pattern to be matched Oracle XML parser more strict than Microsoft Needed to re-specify pattern 2000 character limit on summary text too small (what is appropriate size?)

8 Schema Issues Mandatory fields Already addressed
Activity 1 group input Not to have empty or missing field All codes lists have new codes (where applicable) unknown, not applicable, yet to be measured Numeric fields -9999, -8888, -7777 Decimal, integer, percentage

9 Schema Issues System for coastal and transitional water bodies should not be mandatory Neither options for nitrogen methods apply for Austria (what others are applicable?) Need to include UTF-8 encoding in XML header record to cater for different character sets Need to amend documentation to reflect any changes

10 Access Tool Issues Microsoft MSXML parser required for access tool
Some MS had problems installing due to internal IT admin issues XML generation can take a few minutes Need progress bar / feedback during generation process Error messages from schema validation not always meaningful General issue with any XML parser. Where possible meaningful messages are passed

11 Other Issues Some documentation errors leading to confusion
Access table definitions for GWB, Protected Areas ED_CD is unique European code for the PA/ GWB, not the RBD as stated. General requests for clarification will need to be reflected in final documentation

12 NO show stoppers!! Mostly clarification requests
Schema errors not always meaningful Documentation issues requiring clarification Internal IT administration issues No admin rights to install access tool and/or MSXML Internet access required for XML file validation and stylesheet conversion

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