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Author: Angela S. Medearis Illustrator: Lorinda B. Cauley

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1 Author: Angela S. Medearis Illustrator: Lorinda B. Cauley
On the Way to the Pond Author: Angela S. Medearis Illustrator: Lorinda B. Cauley Genre: Fantasy c.montgomery 2010

2 find to locate

3 follow to go or come after

4 found opposite of lost

5 four number before five

6 holding all that is possible
full holding all that is possible

7 these specific things

8 way certain direction

9 were used to be

10 Review: four find found full were way these follow

11 This is the ___ to the farm.
find were way found

12 We have to ___ my ring. have find were full

13 She has ___ new pups. full follow four way

14 We ___ the last to get there.
way four were find

15 Put ___ in my book. these full find way

16 The glass is ___ of milk. found these full were

17 Mom ___ my cards in my bed.
found find these were

18 Do not ___ me! found four these follow

19 Fluency The basket was full of good food.
“You bring the lunch,” said Tess. It was a very hot day. Tess dropped some rocks as they walked. Tess followed the rocks back to the pond.

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