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Pathways to Permanency: Safety, Permanency and Well-Being

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1 Pathways to Permanency: Safety, Permanency and Well-Being
Module 3 Pathways to Permanency: Safety, Permanency and Well-Being 3.0.1

2 Learning Objectives 3.0.2

3 Agenda 3.0.3

4 Unit 3.1 Quality 3.1.4

5 Learning Objectives 3.1.5

6 3.1.6

7 How do we achieve our goal?
Quality Assurance (QA) Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) Quality Service Reviews CFSR 3.1.7

8 What is Quality “I Know It When I See It.”
3.1.8 I Know It When I See It: A Modern Fable About Quality, John Guaspari

9 Safety, Permanence, and Well-being
3.1.9 Explain to participants that these are the primary areas addressed by child welfare. These statements are only selected examples.

10 The Child and Family Services Reviews
Family-Centered Practice Community-Based Practice Individualizing Services Strengthening Parental Capacity 3.1.10 The Child and Family Services Reviews are designed to promote the following practice principles, which are believed to support improved outcomes for children and families

11 3.1.11

12 Quality Guiding Principles

13 Scenario Mrs. Osolo’s 3 children have been in foster care for 11 months. Although she has completed some of her case plan tasks she has been unable to make progress or demonstrate any change. The service provider she is working with continues to cancel her appointments and the agency is looking for a permanent placement. 3.1.13 Permanency

14 Scenario Hollis has been experiencing mood swings and fights at school. There are no mental health services nearby. His foster parent have to travel to the next county for services, and she cannot make the trip consistently because of work. 3.1.14 Well-being

15 Scenario Case manager is conducting a home visit. The children have been reunified with the mother after having been removed due to severe domestic violence. The CM notices a man’s jacket hanging over the kitchen chair while speaking with the mother and observing the children age 4 and 7 playing in the living room. CM asks for a tour of the home and while in the upstairs room hears a noise downstairs and a door close. When looking out the upstairs window a few minutes later the father is seen starting the lawn mower in shorts with no shirt and no shoes. 3.1.15 Safety

16 Unit 3. 2 Safety 3.2.16

17 Learning Objectives 3.2.17

18 Children are, first and foremost, protected from abuse and neglect.
CFSR Safety Goals Children are, first and foremost, protected from abuse and neglect. Children are safely maintained in their own homes whenever possible and appropriate. 3.2.18

19 CFSR Safety Items Item 1: Timeliness of initiating investigation of reports of child maltreatment Item 2: Repeat maltreatment Item 3: Services to family to protect child(ren) In-Home and prevent removal Item 4: Risk of harm to child(ren) 3.2.19

20 Reunifying the Child: Your Role As Case Manager
Safety Discussion 3.2.20

21 Unit 3.3 Permanency 3.3.21

22 Learning Objectives 3.3.22

23 Who is your Family? 3.3.23

24 Significance of biological family Parent-child attachment
Permanency Primacy of family Significance of biological family Parent-child attachment Commitment and continuity Legal status Common future 3.3.24

25 CFSR Permanency Outcomes
Outcome P1: Outcome P2: Children have permanency and stability in their living situations. The continuity of family relationships and connections is preserved for children. 3.3.25

26 Family Centered Permanency
144 Connections 3.3.26

27 What is Permanency Planning?
Permanency planning is the philosophy that every child has the right to a permanent and stable home for life intent commitment and continuity legal status social status 3.3.27

28 Unit 3.4 Well-Being 3.4.28

29 Learning Objectives 3.4.29

30 Well-Being means…. that a child’s basic needs are met and the child has the opportunity to grow and develop in an environment which provides consistent nurture, support and stimulation. 3.4.30

31 Sense of self Mental and physical health Connection with biological family Connection with the community Permanency Educational achievement Successful peer relationships 3.4.31 Review each topic and think of what kinds of questions you could ask about each? If time- Ask class to offer examples (This activity will help them with the Sara activity) Ends at PERMANENCY STABILITY: Just as the trunk and roots of a tree are essential items for a tree to grow and bloom, stability is the foundation to a child’s well being.

32 CFSR Goals for Well-Being Outcome 1
Families have enhanced capacity to provide for their children’s needs. Related Performance Items: Item 17: Assessing needs and services Item 18: Involving families and children in case planning Item 19: Worker visits with child Item 20: Worker visits with parents 3.4.32

33 Item 19: Worker visits with child
Frequency of visits Quality of visits Meeting children’s needs Ensuring adequate monitoring of children’s safety and well-being. 3.4.33

34 How Can We Ensure Well-Being?

35 Knowledge Assessment 3.4.35

36 1. What is one way that safety is defined?
A. Children have permanency and stability in their living arrangements. B. Families have enhanced capacity to provide for their children’s needs. C. Children are, first and foremost, protected from abuse and neglect. D. Children’s educational needs are met. 3.4.36 Answer: C

37 2. What is one way that permanency is defined?
The continuity of family relationships is preserved. Children have adequate services to meet their physical and educational needs. Children and families are involved in case planning. Repeat maltreatment is prevented. 3.4.37 Answer: A

38 3. What is one way that well-being is defined?
Children are placed with siblings. Children have adequate family connections. Families have enhanced capacity to provide for their children‘s needs. Reports of maltreatments are investigated immediately. 3.4.38 Answer: C

39 What is a guiding principal for the CFSRs?
Agency centered case planning. Individualized planning for permanency. Access to services depending on economic need. Decisions based on the best interests of parents. 3.4.39 Answer: B

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