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Past, Present and Future

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Presentation on theme: "Past, Present and Future"— Presentation transcript:

1 Past, Present and Future
Students FIRST Past, Present and Future

2 Roosevelt v. Bishop Filed in 1991
Challenged capital finance system on ground that it was not “general and uniform” Arizona Supreme Court issued opinion in 1994 Court held the system was unconstitutional because it was itself the cause of “gross disparities”

3 Legislative Efforts after Roosevelt
Court rejected “Assistance to Build Classroom” legislation in because it maintained disparities Court rejected first version of “Students First” in 1998

4 Constitutional Standard
State must ensure that school districts have the buildings, facilities and equipment that are necessary and appropriate for students to master the state’s academic standards.

5 Students FIRST Enacted in 1998
Required that SFB establish minimum facility guidelines Bring schools up to standards and keep them there Deficiency Correction Fund New School Fund Building Renewal Fund

6 Implementation of Students FIRST
Deficiency Corrections New Schools Building Renewal Formula Fully funded only once Litigation to enforce funding the formula

7 Where Are We Now New Schools Delayed
Building Renewal Grant Fund with virtually no money in it

8 Future Steps Possible approaches Formula Grant Bond equalization
Legislation v. Litigation

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