Nate Hawley Chair, Council of Students May 25, 2008

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Presentation on theme: "Nate Hawley Chair, Council of Students May 25, 2008"— Presentation transcript:

1 Nate Hawley Chair, Council of Students May 25, 2008

2 Our Questions for Today
What is our REAL mission? Why does ADEA matter? Where do we go from here?

3 Our Formal Mission To provide effective student input into both dental and allied dental education. To promote the advancement of dental education by providing student input and involvement into the Association’s activities. To stimulate students to assume roles in dental and allied dental education and research. To encourage implementation of ADEA policies in member institutions. To recommend student consultants, through the Board of Directors, to other groups and organizations. To work in partnership with other student dental organizations to promote the involvement of students in the advancement of dental education.

4 Our Real Mission Education Leadership Research Outreach and Service

5 Our Real Mission Education Promote educational careers.
Be involved in educational reform (local and national). Create educational opportunities at the local level. 1st hand involvement with educational policy makers.

6 Our Real Mission Leadership
National positions (Admin. Boards, CGLs, Regional Representatives, House Delegates). Develop leadership/administrative qualities in local student leaders. Participate in lobbying (ADEA Lobby Day; Local Lobby Days). Become opinion leaders at the local level.

7 Our Real Mission Research
Participation in annual poster fair (annual session held in conjunction with IADR/AADR every other year). Publication in the Journal of Dental Education (including “From the Student’s Corner”). Promotion of research at the local level.

8 Our Real Mission Outreach and Service
Develop activities that promote oral health. Create mentorship opportunities among both predental and dental student groups. Produce activities that provide leadership and educational opportunities for students.

9 Why Does ADEA Matter? Change in Education.
Create a Voice and Promote Legislation. Improve and Enhance Dental School Experience (for Student and School). Develop Leaders.

10 Are We Different From ASDA?
Full component member of ADEA. Direct voting power in Association policy. Opportunities to interact with Administration and Faculty on an even playing field. Different focus. Do we need to compete with ASDA?

11 ADEA House of Delegates
27 Seats Held every annual session. Our delegates have full voting power, on same level with the other councils. We have the ability to put forth resolutions in front of the House—affecting the agenda and focus of the entire Association.

12 Purpose of the House Enact and Enforce Association Policies.
Approve Resolutions, Opinions, and Memorials. Elect Active, Provisional, and Honorary Members. Approve Changes in ADEA Bylaws. Approve New Sections. Approve the Association’s Operating Budget. Establish/Change Location of Central and Branch Offices. Elect President-elect of Association. Elect Nominees for Membership in other Organizations. Serve as an Advocate on Behalf of Association.

13 Where Do We Go From Here? Develop our voice. Engage all schools.
Institute a delegate voting system. Produce a guide to establishing an ADEA chapter.

14 Discussion What is the role of ADEA COS in helping you grow ADEA at the local level? Where do you see the mission of the COS taking us? How do we gain involvement from the schools that aren’t currently represented?

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