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How to Build Positive Relationships and a Positive Culture

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Presentation on theme: "How to Build Positive Relationships and a Positive Culture"— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Build Positive Relationships and a Positive Culture
By Ruben Dominguez

2 Intro and about me

3 Why did I tell you about my self?
I tell you this for 2 reasons: 1. To create a connection, … 2. So that you can understand that I view life through all those different lenses and perspectives… To understand people you must know: where they come from, what they’ve been through, what's important to them.

4 Activity If you could be an appliance what would you be and why?

5 Explain Activity That’s one of the ways we build relationships. Easy activity that allows participants to share as much or as little as they would like, to get to know one another, get comfortable with each other, and it allows for participants to connect.

6 Building Relationships starts with us
You can’t give what you don’t have. Encourage yourself... What does that look like:

7 Fill your bucket Make time for yourself to recharge…
Don’t put to much on your plate…

8 How to Build Positive Relationships
Be intentional: start with your most challenging students and staff…

9 4 questions to ask yourself when dealing with challenging people.
1. What is going on in their world at the moment? 2. What’s important to them at this time? Ex: G.M 3. Am I listening to understand or defend? 4. Have I clearly communicated my perspective?

10 How to build positive relationships
Be genuine and consistent… A simple concept: have manors!... Make connections while you walk around the classroom or hallway… When possible give options…

11 How to build positive relationships
Apologize when you make mistakes… Don’t ask others to do things you wouldn’t do… Don’t play the politician… Don’t make personal judgments, use facts. ..

12 How to build positive relationships
Be transparent, speak the truth in a kind way… Praise them along the way…

13 How to build positive relationships

14 How to build positive relationships
Get to know people during unstructured times when they can be themselves. During office parties, lunch, etc…. During these times people are more open, and don’t have to put up a front. Someone once said “You can learn more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of work”.

15 Activity Let’s get into groups…
What is something specific that you do to build relationships?

16 Time to share The people with the shortest hair from each group share out something that stood out to you!

17 Why build relationships
Research shows that : the #1 reason for people quitting is that they don’t feel appreciated. #1 reason why people stay at a job is because of the relationships they have formed. Benefits of building positive relationships…

18 What is your “why” in life…
Golden circle My why What’s your why?

19 Q & A time Thank you all for coming!

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