Update on NGEC Accessibility Working Group

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Presentation on theme: "Update on NGEC Accessibility Working Group"— Presentation transcript:

1 Update on NGEC Accessibility Working Group
Presented To PRIIA Next Generation Equipment Committee Annual Meeting February 23, 2018 Melissa Shurland Program Manager USDOT Federal Railroad Administration Dr. Katharine Hunter-Zaworski Oregon State university Kristine Severson Volpe National Transportation System Center

2 Overview NGEC Accessibility Working Group Progress Update RVAAC Update
Spatial Study and Results Feedback on Draft Final Report Containment of WhMD Occupant RVAAC Update Summary Questions

3 NGEC Accessibility Working Group Update
Results from Spatial Accessible Layout Study were presented to Accessibility Working Group (AWG) and Technical Subcommittee (TSC) Various seating layouts to accommodate 2 wheeled mobility devices (WhMD) and accessible restroom were developed Issues related to containment of WhMD at accessible locations were identified Manueverability of scooters using mock-up to access seating location was recommended Issues with stowage of scooters were identified

4 Base Layout – Acela Business Car
Using the layout of the acela business car, Oregon State added recommended accessibility features and determined the impact on revenue seats. Larger accessible restroom was included and space for two wheeled mobility devices were provided

5 Accessible Restroom and Seating Location
X denotes lost of seat O denotes addition of seat The larger accessible restroom is shown. This allows for forward entrance and exit and manueverability within the enclosed space. This is only a recommendation

6 Accessible Restroom Layout
Permits a full turn of large WhMD with minimum turning diameter of 39”, larger circles indicate average and maxium

7 Scenarios showing 2 WhMDs
X O X X denotes seat loss O denotes seat gain Layout on left shows large power chair and small manual chair. Larger power chair has limited containment Layout on right hsows two large power chairs. These are examples of some of the scenarios of layout reviewed in the final report

8 Storage of Scooter X O X denotes seat loss a O denotes gain
Stowage space for scooters seems to be an issue. This layout shows a transverse stowage and the scooter impinges on the aisle space.

9 Results from Spatial Study
Larger accessible restroom with 360° turning radius will accommodate a large WhMD Preliminary study indicates that two WhMD can be accommodated BUT Design must take into consideration the containment of passenger in WhMD Stowage of larger scooters in the seating area may interfere with aisle

10 Draft Final Report – TSC Feedback
Draft Final Report was developed and sent to TSC for review Comments received: Suggestion for physical mock-up to truly assess maneuverability of scooters. Clarification was made in the report to state that the actual turning radius of scooters depends on the design of the scooter. All scooters have turning radii that are much larger than power wheelchairs. Schematic provided by industry member was included for illustration purposes with the permission of the commenter. Report outlining the research was sent to the TSC for review. Comments were received from industry members Industry member feels that scooter may have less maneuverability than suggested in the report Turning radius diagram showing scooter rotating on outside wheels

11 TSC Feedback– Con’t Concerns over the recommendations of including a sharps container in the accessible restroom May become a target of vandalism by people looking for needles for illicit drug use. Additional maintenance for service providers Evacuation chair recommended in report was identified as possibly having maneuverability issues due to aisle width.

12 Review of Containment of WhMD
FRA worked with Volpe Center and Oregon State University to evaluate the containment issues identified in some of the seating layout scenarios Passenger rail equipment 8g longitudinal loading for accident scenarios Use result to inform the disability community and US Access Board about containment and possible securement of WhMDs. The next step is for FRA, Oregon U and Volpe to determine how much if at all these wheeled mobility devices will move under normal and accident conditions given certain layout. This will help to guide the conversation surround securement of wheeled mobility devices on-board trains.

13 Occupant Protection Research – Foundation for the Study
Using past research conducted by Volpe and FRA on occupant protection The next step is for FRA, Oregon U and Volpe to determine how much if at all these wheeled mobility devices will move under normal and accident conditions given certain layout. This will help to guide the conversation surround securement of wheeled mobility devices on-board trains.

14 Occupant Protection Research – Foundation for the Study
Secondary Impact Velocity is of concern for passengers on-board trains The next step is for FRA, Oregon U and Volpe to determine how much if at all these wheeled mobility devices will move under normal and accident conditions given certain layout. This will help to guide the conversation surround securement of wheeled mobility devices on-board trains.

15 Occupant Protection Research – Foundation for the Study
Secondary Impact Velocity is of concern for passengers on-board trains The next step is for FRA, Oregon U and Volpe to determine how much if at all these wheeled mobility devices will move under normal and accident conditions given certain layout. This will help to guide the conversation surround securement of wheeled mobility devices on-board trains.

16 Occupant Protection Research – Foundation for the Study
Accommodating 2 or more WhMD may result in less than adequate containment for occupant during collisions

17 Occupant Protection Research – Foundation for the Study
49 CFR §  Interior fittings and Surfaces requires the securement of all interior fittings in event of collision for occupant protection. Row-to-row seating layout is preferred by industry to compartmentalize passengers during an accident Passengers in WhMD are not contained in the same way as able-bodied passengers Containment of WhMD needs to be taken into consideration when designing for 2 or more WhMD Securement of WhMD needs to be discussed with disability community

18 Rail Vehicle Access Advisory Committee Update
US Access Board has moved the agenda on accessibility of rail vehicles to the pre-rule stage Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking is expected in May 2018 Link to information page - Final RVAAC report submitted on July 29, 2015 to US Access Board available via link below

19 Summary Two or more WhMD can be accommodated on single-level passenger trains without high loss of revenue seats Containment of WhMD and occupant needs to be considered in layout design Larger accessible restroom with 360° turning radius is possible US Access Board has moved RVAAC recommendations to pre-rule stage FRA intends to reach out to US Access Board Staff to give a briefing on research results Full report on FRA/AWG research will be made available to TSC and NGEC in 2018

20 Questions? Melissa Shurland FRA Office of Research and Development

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