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Identity and Equality Properties

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1 Identity and Equality Properties
Algebra 1A Coventry High School Ms. Della Porta and Ms. Becker 12/6/2018

2 What you’ll learn To recognize and use the properties of identity and equality To determine the multiplicative inverse of a number Sounds pretty hard, doesn’t it? It’s not! 12/6/2018

3 Notebook or piece of paper Pencil or pen A good attitude Flash cards
Things You’ll Need Notebook or piece of paper Pencil or pen A good attitude Flash cards A smile  RESPECT 12/6/2018

4 Okay, are you ready? How can I tell?
You’re quiet. You’re attentive. Pencil Smile Pen Notebook Paper Good attitude Respect Flash Cards 12/6/2018

5 Vocabulary Additive Identity Property Multiplicative Identity Property
Multiplicative Property of Zero Multiplicative Inverse Property Reflexive Property of Equality Symmetric Property of Equality Transitive Property of Equality Substitution Property of Equality 12/6/2018

6 Additive Identity Property
For any number a, a + 0 = 0 + a = a Let’s try one if a=6 6+0=0+6=6 6+0=6 0+6=6 Therefore, = = 6 Everything equals 6! Easy, right? 12/6/2018

7 Want to try one more? Remember that the Additive Identity Property says that for any number x, x + 0 = 0 + x = x Let’s make x=72 72+0=0+72=72 72+0=72 0+72=72 So, 72+0=0+72=72 It works every time! 12/6/2018

8 Flash Card Time Additive Identity Property For any number a, a+0=0+a=a
Write on the front of the flash card: Additive Identity Property Okay, now turn the card over and write: For any number a, a+0=0+a=a 12/6/2018

9 Multiplicative Identity Property
For any number a, a X 1 = 1 X a = a Let’s try one if a = 8 8 X 1=1 X 8= 8 8 X 1=8 1 X 8=8 See what I mean? 8 X 1=1 X 8= 8 Everything equals 8! I told you this was easy! 12/6/2018

10 It’s One More Time Time! The multiplicative identity property says the product if any number and 1 is equal to the number. The formula is a * 1=1 * a = a. If a=2 2 * 1= 2 and 1 * 2 =2, so 2*1=1*2=2  (when you see the word product it’s a hint that they want you to multiply!)  Some signs that can be used to say multiply or times are: X or * or • or 3(1) 12/6/2018

11 Flash Card Time Multiplicative Identity Property
Write on the front of the flash card: Multiplicative Identity Property Okay, now turn the card over and write: For any number a, a*1=1*a=a 12/6/2018

12 Multiplicative Property of Zero
For any number a, a * 0 = 0 * a = 0 Time to try one, right? Let’s let a = 52 52 * 0 = 0 * 52 = 0 52 * 0 = 0 0 * 52 = 0 So, 52 * 0 = 0 * 52 = 0 12/6/2018

13 What do you think? ANY number times zero is zero!
That means no matter what number we make a, the answer will still be zero. 1,000,000 * 0 = 0 * 1, 000,000= 0 1,000,000 * 0 = 0 0 * 1, 000,000= 0 12/6/2018

14 Flash Card Time Multiplicative Property of Zero
Write on the front of the flash card: Multiplicative Property of Zero Okay, now turn the card over and write: For any number a, a*0=0*a=0 12/6/2018

15 Multiplicative Inverse Property
For every nonzero number Where There is exactly one number Such that 12/6/2018

16 Okay, this one is a little confusing, I admit it!

17 Flash Card Time Multiplicative Inverse Property
Write on the front of the flash card: Multiplicative Inverse Property Okay, now turn the card over and write: For every nonzero number a/b Where a, b There is exactly one number b/a Such that a/b * b/a = 1 12/6/2018

18 Reflexive Property of Equality
Why do they use such BIG words? Is it just to confuse us? •For any number a, a = a Isn’t that a big name for such a simple rule? Any quantity is equal to itself. 8 = = =3 + 2 12/6/2018

19 Some Practice examples
Remember the rule: for any number a, a = a Reflexive Property of Equality says that any number is equal to itself 1,000,001 = 1,000,001 3.67=3.67 2, ,000=2,360+3,000 12/6/2018

20 Flash Card Time Reflexive Property of Equality For any number a, a = a
Write on the front of the flash card: Reflexive Property of Equality Okay, now turn the card over and write: For any number a, a = a 12/6/2018

21 Symmetric Property of Equality
For any numbers a and b, if a = b, then b = a Are you asking yourself, what does that mean? If 5 = then = 5 If = then = 3 + 4 12/6/2018

22 Time to try one more Remember, the Symmetric Property of Equality says, if a = b then b = a If 4 = 3 + 1, then = _______________ Right! 4 If 528= , then = what? Of course, it’s still 528! 12/6/2018

23 Flash Card Time Symmetric Property of Equality
Write on the front of the flash card: Symmetric Property of Equality Okay, now turn the card over and write: For any numbers a and b, if a = b, then b=a 12/6/2018

24 Transitive Property of Equality
For any numbers a, b and c, if a = b and b = c, then a = c If one quantity equals a second quantity and that second quantity is equal to a third quantity, then the first quantity equals the third quantity too. If 6= 3+3 and 3+3=5+1 then 6=5+1 12/6/2018

25 So many examples, so little time!
Remember a, b and c, if a=b and b=c, then a=c If 15=9+6 and 9+6=10+5, then 15= _______ If 3+7=10 and 10=8+2, then 3+7=8+ ______ If Ms. Della Porta’s age = Matthew Brennan’s age and Matt Brennan’s age equals Jason Phillip’s age, then Ms. Della Porta’s age = Jason Phillip’s age  12/6/2018

26 Flash Card Time Transitive Property of Equality
Write on the front of the flash card: Transitive Property of Equality Okay, now turn the card over and write: For any numbers a, b, and c if a = b, and b=c, then a=c 12/6/2018

27 Substitution Property of Equality
If a = b, then a can be replaced by b in any expression. A quantity can be substituted for its equal in any expression. X + 3 = 5 (X=2), go ahead, substitute 2 + 3 = 5 Just a BIG name for a simple thing! 12/6/2018

28 Practice 6+1=7+0 We know that 6+1 = 7, therefore we can replace 6 +1 for 7 7=7+0 Y=52 Therefore in the problem, y + 3= 55 We can replace the y with 52 and say 52+3=55 12/6/2018

29 Flash Card Time Substitution Property of Equality
Write on the front of the flash card: Substitution Property of Equality Okay, now turn the card over and write: If a = b, then a may be replaced by b in any expression 12/6/2018

30 Congratulations! Now, at your seat and on your own, you are to make up one example of each of these properties. Go back to your flash cards for help. Your teachers will help you if you get stuck. RAISE your hand and we will come to you. 12/6/2018

31 Properties Additive Identity Property Multiplicative Identity Property
Multiplicative Property of Zero Multiplicative Inverse Property Symmetric Property of Equality Transitive Property of Equality Substitution Property of Equality 12/6/2018

32 Great job everybody! 12/6/2018

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