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Non-recognized States from the Perspective of the EU: The Example of Transnistria Flag of Moldova Flag of Transnistria Michael Geistlinger, Salzburg.

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Presentation on theme: "Non-recognized States from the Perspective of the EU: The Example of Transnistria Flag of Moldova Flag of Transnistria Michael Geistlinger, Salzburg."— Presentation transcript:

1 Non-recognized States from the Perspective of the EU: The Example of Transnistria
Flag of Moldova Flag of Transnistria Michael Geistlinger, Salzburg

2 EU does not address Non-recognized States
If at all, the EU addresses Conflicts (which are the reason for the existence of Non-recognized States)

3 PCA EU – Azerbaijan 1996, Preamble
CONSIDERING the commitment of the Community and its Member States and of the Republic of Azerbaijan to strengthening the political and economic freedoms which constitute the very basis of the partnership, RECOGNIZING in that context that support of the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Azerbaijan will contribute to the safeguarding of peace and stability in Europe, CONSIDERING the commitment of the Parties to promote international peace and security, as well as the peaceful settlement of disputes and to cooperate to this end in the framework of the United Nations and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE),

4 PCA EU – Azerbaijan 1996 Article 2
Respect for democracy, principles of international law and human rights as defined in particular in the United Nations Charter, the Helsinki Final Act and the Charter of Paris for a New Europe, as well as the principles of market economy, including those enunciated in the documents of the CSCE Bonn Conference, underpin the internal and external policies of the Parties and constitute essential elements of partnership and of this Agreement. Article 3 The Parties consider that it is essential for their future prosperity and stability that the newly independent states which have emerged from the dissolution of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, hereinafter called "Independent States", should maintain and develop cooperation among themselves in compliance with the principles of the Helsinki Final Act and with international law and in the spirit of good neighbourly relations and will make every effort to encourage this process.

5 Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement EU – Armenia 2017
RECOGNISING the importance of the commitment of the Republic of Armenia to the peaceful and lasting settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, and the need to achieve that settlement as early as possible, in the framework of the negotiations led by the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs; also recognising the need to achieve that settlement on the basis of the purposes and principles enshrined in the UN Charter and the OSCE Helsinki Final Act, in particular those related to refraining from the threat or use of force, the territorial integrity of States, and the equal rights and self-determination of peoples and reflected in all declarations issued within the framework of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairmanship since the 16th OSCE Ministerial Council of 2008; also noting the stated commitment of the European Union to support this settlement process;

6 Association Agreement EU – Ukraine 2014
Article 9 Regional stability 1. The Parties shall intensify their joint efforts to promote stability, security and democratic development in their common neighbourhood, and in particular to work together for the peaceful settlement of regional conflicts. 2. These efforts shall follow commonly shared principles for maintaining international peace and security as established by the UN Charter, the Helsinki Final Act of 1975 of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe and other relevant multilateral documents.

7 Association Agreement EU – Georgia 2014 / Preamble
RECOGNISING the importance of the commitment of Georgia to reconciliation and its efforts to restore its territorial integrity and full and effective control over Georgian regions of Abkhazia and the Tskhnivali region/South Ossetia in pursuit of a peaceful and lasting conflict resolution based on principles of international law, and of the EU's commitment to support a peaceful and lasting resolution of the conflict;

8 Association Agreement EU – Georgia 2014
Article 429 Territorial application 1. This Agreement shall apply, of the one part, to the territories in which the Treaty on European Union, the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union and the Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community are applied and under the conditions laid down in those Treaties, and of the other part, to the territory of Georgia. 2. The application of this Agreement, or of Title IV (Trade and Trade-related Matters) thereof, in relation to Georgia's regions of Abkhazia and Tskhinvali region/South Ossetia over which the Government of Georgia does not exercise effective control, shall commence once Georgia ensures the full implementation and enforcement of this Agreement, or of Title IV (Trade and Trade-related Matters) thereof, respectively, on its entire territory.

9 Association Agreement EU – Moldova 2014
Preamble RECOGNISING the importance of the commitment of the Republic of Moldova to a viable settlement of the Transnistrian conflict, and the EU's commitment to support post-conflict rehabilitation;

10 Association Agreement EU – Moldova 2014
Article 8 Regional stability 1.The Parties shall intensify their joint efforts to promote stability, security and democratic development in the region and, in particular, shall work together for the peaceful settlement of regional conflicts. 2.The Parties reiterate their commitment to a sustainable solution to the Transnistrian issue, in full respect of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Moldova, as well as to facilitating jointly post-conflict rehabilitation. Pending its resolution and without prejudice to the established negotiating format, the Transnistrian issue will constitute one of the central subjects on the agenda of political dialogue and cooperation between the Parties, as well as in the dialogue and cooperation with other interested international actors.

11 The EU‘s Approach Consider Transnistria as Part of Moldova
Enter the Area Through the Linse of the Central Government Negotiate Agreements with the Central Government Address the Transnistrian Conflict in the Preamble and in Art 8 of the Association Agreement Allow on the Informal Level Transnistria to Profit from the DCFTA through Registration of Its Goods at Moldovan Authorities Allow Transnistrians to Profit from EU – Moldova Visa-Free Regime through Moldovan Citizenship, Thereby Ignoring Parallel Russian Citizenship Create All-Inclusive Attractivity in Order to Let the Conflict Die Down

12 Меморандум об основных принципах государственного устройства объединенного государства (2003) (Source: REGNUM, Кишинёв, 23 мая 2005, 21:35) Подготовлен при участии Дмитрия Козака, специального представителя президента России. Парафирован президентами Молдовы Владимиром Ворониным и президентом Приднестровской Молдавской Республики Игорем Смирновым

13 The Idea 1. Республика Молдова и Приднестровье (далее - Стороны), сознавая свою ответственность за объединение страны, обеспечение гражданского мира и полноценного демократического развития, договорились, что окончательное урегулирование приднестровской проблемы должно осуществляться путем преобразования государственного устройства Республики Молдова с целью строительства единого независимого, демократического, основанного на федеративных принципах государства, определяемого в границах территории Молдавской ССР на 1 января 1990 года.


15 The Way Towards the Memorandum
Many Visits to Both Sides by Many Priorily OSCE Diplomats OSCE Mission Paper Seminars with Key Representatives of Conflict Parties as Test Negotiation Fora Mediation of OSCE Assisted by Russia and US

16 Preconditions for Success of Mediation
Strict Impartiality Absolutely No Own Interests Detailed Knowledge and Understanding of Position of Parties Equal Distance to Parties As a Consequence Acceptance by Parties

17 Why Could the Memorandum Convince Transnistria?
Own Statehood in the Long-run No Realistic Option Alternative 1: Accession to Ukraine: Maximum Status of Autonomy as Previously and Unsuccessfully Granted to Crimea Alternative 2: Accession to Russia: Maximum Status as Republic, More Likely Status as Oblast‘ (Region) Like Kaliningrad

18 Why Had the Memorandum the Potential to Convince Moldova?
Own Desire of Just Granting Autonomy to Transnistria Not Realistic Memorandum Oriented at Russian Federalism Which Comes Close to Semantic Federalism and Favours the Center Secures Durability of the State and Better Share in Power to Moldovan Side Than Transnistrian Proposal of a Confederation

19 What Are The Problems Behind To Solve?
Frozen Armed Conflict Territories That Only Loosely Belong Together Romanophils against Slavo-(Russo)phils Accumulation of Industry and Energy in Transnistria One of Europe‘s Largest Army Depot




23 The Public International Law Frameword
Regime of Armistice 27 Years of De Facto Regime in Transnistra Lack of Effective State Authority of Moldova Peaceful Unification As Aim Set by the International Community Patronage of the OSCE

24 Key Parameters as to the Proposed New State Structure
Federal Competence-Competence at Moldova Sovereignty of Moldova Covers the Whole Territory Constitution of Moldova and Federal Laws Adopted Within the Respective Competence Have Priority on the Whole of the Territory Moldova Is Composed of Republics. However Memorandum Only Calls Transnistria a Republic and Gagauzia As Territorial Autonomous Unit Two-Chamber-Parliament (Senate: 4:9:13)

25 Key Parameters As to the Use of Languages
Moldovan Language State Language in the Whole of Moldova Subjects Have Right to Recognize Official Languages Aside of the Moldovan State Language Russian Language: Official Language in the Whole of Moldova

26 Foreign Representation of Moldova
Foreign Policy and International Relations of the Federation, International Treaties of the Federation, Questions of Peace and War: Competence of the Federation Memorandum Silent on: Right to Self-Determination (Right to Leave the Federation); Foreign Relations of Republics

27 The Key Obstacle in the Memorandum
18. Стороны обращаются с предложением к Российской Федерации о представлении гарантий безопасности, условий объединения и территориальной целостности Федеративной Республики Молдова, предусмотренных настоящим Меморандумом. Для этой цели при получении согласия Российской Федерации до назначения референдума по вопросу принятия Конституции Федерации Республика Молдова подписывает и ратифицирует Соглашение с Российской Федерацией о размещении на территории будущей Федерации на переходный период до полной демилитаризации государства, но не позднее 2020 года, стабилизационных миротворческих сил Российской Федерации численностью не более человек, без тяжелых военной техники и вооружений. Соглашение вступает в силу одновременно с принятием Конституции Федерации. В случае невыполнения предусмотренных настоящим пунктом условий настоящий Меморандум утрачивает силу.

28 The EU in the Kozak Memorandum
19. После вступления в силу Соглашения, указанного в пункте 18 настоящего Меморандума, к нему могут присоединиться в качестве гарантов Европейский Союз, ОБСЕ и Украина на условиях, согласованных сторонами Соглашения.

29 The EU‘s Concept: Let the Past Be Forgotten Through Economic Prosperity

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