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Latin verbs.

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Presentation on theme: "Latin verbs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Latin verbs

2 Verbs come in groups called

3 A conjugation is a group of verbs which share endings.

4 Present personal endings
o -----mus s tis t nt

5 Perfect personal endings
I imus isti istis it erunt

6 1st conjugation Amo, amare, amavi=to love Present stem=ama re
Prefect stem=amav i e.g. Amant vs. amaverunt

7 2nd conjugation Video, videre, vidi= to see Present stem= vide
Perfect stem=vid vident vs. viderunt

8 3rd conjugation Mitto, mittere, misi=to send Present stem=mitt
Perfect stem=mis mittunt vs. miserunt

9 3rd io conjugation This verb must meet 2 requirements must be a 3rd must contain an “IO” in 1st p.p. Accipio, accipere, accepi=to receive,accept Present stem=accip Perfect stem=accep accipiunt vs. Acceperunt

10 Present tense for 3rd io Accipio accipimus Accipis accipitis
Accipit accipiunt

11 4th conjugation Audio, audire, audivi=to hear Present stem=audi
Perfect stem=audiv Audiunt vs. audiverunt

12 What do the verbs share?

13 Latin verbs Amo, amare, amavi=to love Video, videre, vidi= to see
Mitto, mittere, misi=to send Accipio, accipere, accepi=to receive,accept Audio, audire, audivi=to hear

14 All verbs end with “O” in the first principle part.
All verbs end with “re” in the second principle part. All verbs end with “I” in the third principle part.

15 Don’t flush your verbs down the latrina! Think!!!!!!

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