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The Scientific Method: Creating and Following Procedures

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Presentation on theme: "The Scientific Method: Creating and Following Procedures"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Scientific Method: Creating and Following Procedures
Students will write/draw a detailed procedure. Students will follow a procedure to complete an origami project

2 Vocabulary Procedure- The directions that you follow in an experiment.

3 Do you know how to make a paper airplane?
Find out if students know how to make a paper airplane. See if students can write or draw directions for another person to make an airplane. Students will volunteer to share their procedure as I make their airplane on the overhead.

4 A different kind of paper airplane.
Follow the numbered, specific instructions on this procedure and make a “paper airplane” that was designed by a NASA engineer.

5 Fold 2 4 inch by 6 inch notecards in half the long way
Fold 2 4 inch by 6 inch notecards in half the long way. If you do it right, your folded paper should measure 2 inches by 6 inches. Unfold your notecards and cut them as evenly as possible down the crease. Throw away one piece of the notecards. You should have 3 pieces that all measure 2 inches by 6 inches. Tape the short, 2-inch sides of two of the notecards together. You should now have a piece that measures 12 inches and a piece that measures 6 inches. Make a loop with the taped-together notecard. Tape the ends together to make a circle. Repeat this step with the other notecard. You should now have two circles, one twice as big as the other. Tape one end of the straw to the inside of one circle. Tape the other end of the straw to the inside of the other circle. Important: try to You ahould have

6 Follow a procedure to make a frog: Part 2
Hand out origami frog procedure. Students attempt to follow the procedure to create a hopping origami frog. Extension: Students try to follow oral/written directions to make a crane.

7 Assess: A Good Procedure
What makes a procedure good?

8 Assess: A Good Procedure
What makes a procedure good? Numbered Steps Specific Directions Measurements

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