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Problems of adolescence

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1 Problems of adolescence
Chapter 14 Problems of adolescence


3 Adolescence provide from 11 – 18 , 12-21 , teenagers, teens
physical and sexual growth and psychosocial development. Prepare for assuming responsibility Maturation is the process of attaining complete development .

4 Physical changes: 1.wieght 2. height 3. body size. 4. voice changes.

5 Puberty : the stage during which an individual becomes physically capable of reproduction. Puberty : girl : 8-14 yrs. menarche. Breast development. Body fat distribution.

6 Boy  yrs Testacle enlarge. Pubic hair develop Increase length of penis and width At 12 yrs old capable of fathering


8 psychosocial development :
cognitive development : abstract thinking judgment . emotional development: day dream social development : dress- music- dancing , peer group. spiritual development:

9 common problems of adolescence :
internal developmental problems. external environmental problems.

10 internal : due to effect of physical changes .
dramatic emotional up and down introspection is the process of examining ones own, Thoughts, emotions, reactions, attitude , opinions, value, and behavior by looking at the inner self. كيف ينظر الشخص لنفسه كيف تكون علاقته مع الآخرين المحيطين به

11 external "environmental problems"
problems arise outside. family, social environmental . Family problems: Change toward independency. Seek for freedom

12 Conflict with family member.
Physical violence. Social problems: Peer group. Interest toward opposite gender Environmental development: Dirty air of cities Quality, quantity of food eaten Exposure to drug, crime, prostitution , corruption.


14 Mental health problems:
dysfunction : an impairment in early day life when facing problem. Focous on promoting positive life skills . prevention of dysfunction.

15 Behavioral disorders :
divide to ADHD  need positive reinforcement Appropriate behavior at home or school. Behavioral theory Drug TCAD

16 Conduct disorder : Aggressive behavior to word other .
Clp : fighting temper tantrum. running away from home. Substance abuse.

17 Treatment: Therapeutic home care. Improve family interaction.
School involvement . Emotional disorder: Anxiety disorder Over stress , panic, phobia,OCD, PTSD

18 Affective mood disorder:
depression . hyperactivity. Box 14-2  s and s of depression.

19 Eating disorder: sever disturbance of eating behavior can result in below or above ideal weight Obesity : body weight 20% or more above the average weight ,chronic over eating is not mental health problem


21 More in teen age female, with athlete
It can lead to death 9% Aneroxia nervosa : Is prolong refusal to eat to keep body weight at minimum Characterized by ;


23 Intense fear of becoming fat ,& relentless pursuit of thinness
Girl:12 yrs -14 yrs up to 18 yrs Characteristic : Cooperative achievement oriented girl See herself overweight Positive family history Mood disorder Obsessive thought to be thin Her behavior concerning to be thin Exercise excessively

24 Restrict calories Induce vomiting Use laxative Use diuretics Diet pills Use drug to prevent smallest weight gain Avoidance of friends,cut back on her social activities Anxious ,irritable ,depressed She deny her problem Signs of starvation Enter in life threatening complication ,need medical intervention

25 Bulimia: is cycle of bing eating followed by purging
Occur after 17 yrs Difficult to be diagnose Collage age Intense interesting in diet Struggles with food Bing eating episode


27 Consume 5000-20000 calories high CHO diet
Guilt & depression feeling after bing eating Vomiting ,exercise as substitute method to decrease wt gain Self induce starvation ,used drug Body weight become within normal Aware of their behavior Bing eating comes after stressful life event

28 Complication of bulimia;
Erosion of tooth ,enemal, gastric dilation , inflammation of pancreas electrolytes abnormality

29 treatment of eating disorder ;
1-manage medical disturbances as ( metabolic disturbances, cardiac problem ,dehydration ) 2-restore normal nutrition 3-establish eating pattern -need psychiatric treatment for client & family -re-feeding program -consult with dietion -psychotherapy

30 Example of nursing diagnosis ;
-activity intolerance -imbalance nutrition ( more or less than body requirement ) -disturbed thought process - disturbed body image -chronic low self steam -defect of family coping

31 Chemical dependency Alchol & drug addiction Substance abuse
state in which one physical & psychological require drug Stages of chemical dependency ; @experimentation @active seeking @preocupation @burn out


33 Signs may be ; Change in habits & mood Avoid contact with family members need psycho & behavioral therapy

34 personality disorder :
an enduring pattern of inner experience & behavior that deviate markedly of individual culture which lead to distress & impairment

35 Sexuality disorder : ccc by significant distress & impaired ability to function @ gender identity disorder : Wearing clothes of other gender Interest of opposite gender They seek Hormonal therapy ,Surgery RX:medical & mental health therapy



38 psychosis : schizophrenia loss of contact with reality
bizarre activity delusion ,illusion, hallucination impairment of judgment RX : psychotherapy ,antipsychotic drug ,personal care

39 suicide ( box 15- ) girle attempt ,but more sucssful with boy
factors predispose to suicide : 1- exposure to abuse or neglect Instability with family Presence of depression Increase use of alcohol or drugs Have mental health problem


41 Thanks

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