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“Speech to the Second Virginia Convention”

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1 “Speech to the Second Virginia Convention”
Patrick Henry: “Speech to the Second Virginia Convention”

2 I. Patrick Henry A. Born in Hanover County, Virginia in 1736 B. Homeschooled C. Obtained law license in 1760 D. He argued that a king who would veto a law passed by a locally elected legislature was "a tyrant who forfeits the allegiance of his subjects." This was the beginning of his struggle to ensure independence for the 13 Colonies E. Elected to Virginia House of Burgesses F. Wrote numerous speeches throughout his lifetime He ended this famous speech with these words: "I know now what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death." Speech took place the same day the Revolutionary War began after British troops marched on Concord

3 II. Important Facts to Know
A. Patrick Henry’s “Speech to the second Virginia Convention” played a key role in turning colonial ideas against negotiation with England and toward armed rebellion. B. As we read and listen, he begins with respectful rebuttal of previous speeches, but towards the end, his tone intensifies thus heightening the climax of the speech. C. He establishes that the British are preparing for war, asserts the war has already begun. Thus, he dismisses any thoughts for peaceful compliance.

4 D. The same day that Patrick Henry gave his speech, the British marched on Concord, which would be the beginning of the American Revolution. E. Patrick Henry went against several of the Virginian statesmen to make his point with his speech F. He stood up for what he believed in and would not back down until his point was heard.

5 III. Examples of Loaded or Charged Words
A. Magnitude: great importance or consequence B. Insidious: intended to entrap C. Sentiments: a mental attitude or feeling toward something D. Arduous: requiring or using much energy E. Beseech: to implore urgently F. Subjugation: to bring under complete control G. Contend: to assert or maintain earnestly H. Vigilant: keenly watchful to detect anger I. Supplicated: to pray humbly J. Prostrate: to cast oneself face down on the ground in humility

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