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Government, and Citizens

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1 Government, and Citizens
Mrs. Lachowicz’s March 6th Important Dates March 1: Feb. Book It Due March 15: Spring Pictures March 21: End of 3rd Grading Period March 27–March 31: Spring Break Science Solids and Liquids SocialStudies Communities, Government, and Citizens Health Your Body English Language Arts Stories: “Swimmy” by Leo Lionni “Domino Soup” by Carmen Deedy *Comprehension Skill: Story Elements *Vocabulary: add, alone, cooperate, enough, possible, share, society, teamwork, together, team members *Phonics: Words with “ar” *Grammar: Pronouns *Phonics/Word Study: Check your child’s folder for his/her Spelling List with the new pattern. *Test Friday Math Unit 5 Counting to 1000 Place Value with Money Multiples of Ten, One Hundred & One Thousand Sequences & Patterns

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