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How Are These Two Images Different?

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Presentation on theme: "How Are These Two Images Different?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How Are These Two Images Different?
There are 7 differences. Oct. 2016 Recommender Systems: Puzzles

2 Which Term Isn’t Like the Others?
A H I M N O V W X Big Fast Green Warm Fast is the only word that can be used as an adverb. Oct. 2016 Recommender Systems: Puzzles

3 Which Image Should Come Next?
Jigsaw puzzle: Each shape has one straight edge that alternates between right and left. So, C is the answer. Pink puzzle: The V shape moves thus: top, middle, bottom, top, middle; so the next one should be bottom (all choices satisfy this pattern). The other symbol moves in the counterclockwise direction by 1, 2, 3, 4 slots. The next movement of 5 slots puts it on the right. So, d is the answer. Orange puzzle: The number of line segments inside the square follows the pattern 1, 2, 1, 2. So, C is the answer. White puzzle: Each shape is formed by 3 straight line segments. So, d is the answer. Oct. 2016 Recommender Systems: Puzzles

4 Which Image Should Come Next? (Part 2)
Red puzzle: Going counterclockwise, from one frame to the next, the + moves forward by 2, 1, 2, 1 slots and the = moves forward by 1, 2, 1, 2 slots. So, 1 is the answer. Blue puzzle: Of the four shapes near the center, the top left is slightly moved forward, ruining the square. So, b is the answer. Another view that leads to the same answer is to note that the number of triangles is 1, 2, 3. Black-and-white puzzle: The black quadrant moves clockwise in the first and second rows. So, the answer is a diamond shape with its black quadrant on the right. Pink puzzle: The circular shapes move to the right (rotation) from one row to the next. The arrows may or may not have any significance. Domino puzzle: The difference between top and bottom is 0, 0, 1, 1. So, C, with a difference of 2 is the answer. Oct. 2016 Recommender Systems: Puzzles

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