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Experiences with previous Development Account projects

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1 Experiences with previous Development Account projects
First Steering Committee Meeting South Asia Development Account Project Experiences with previous Development Account projects United Nations Statistics Division Colombo 21 July 2008

2 UNSD supported projects
15 Caribbean countries (CARICOM) 10 South – East Asian countries (ASEAN) 13 Arab countries (ESCWA) 15 Western African countries (ECOWAS) 14 Southern African countries (SADC)

3 Topical focus (I) CARICOM ASEAN: (1) Social/Gender Statistics
(2) Environment Statistics (3) IT ASEAN: (1) National and Satellite Accounting (2) Harmonization of Indicators (3) Statistical Organization and Management (4) IT

4 Topical focus (II) ESCWA ECOWAS:
(1) Census Management and Harmonization (2) IT in censuses (3) Environment Statistics (4) Statistical Organization and Management (5) Other Statistical Areas (e.g. MDG, Classification) ECOWAS: (1) Poverty Statistics (2) Energy/Environment Statistics (3) MDGs (5) IT

5 Topical focus (III) SADC: (1) IT (2) MDGs
(3) Civil registration/Vital statistics (4) Statistical Organization and Management (5) Household Surveys and Measurement of Labor Force (6) Social Exclusion

6 Examples of outputs (I)

7 Examples of outputs (II)

8 Positive experiences Managed by Steering Committee of Chief Statisticians Addressing systemic issues Small group of countries – strengthen sub-regional networks Focus on selected key topics Outreach to partners/Embedded in regional context Strengthen the global voice of the subregion

9 Thank you

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