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C151 Multi-User Operating Systems

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1 C151 Multi-User Operating Systems

2 Text Editors Pico Emacs
Xemacs – a GUI-based version of Emacs. vi – a mostly terminal-based text editor, very reliable. vim – (vi improved) – a GUI-based version of vi.

3 vi A text editor, written by Bill Joy in Short for Visual Interface. It enables fast, simple, and effective text editing mostly based on simple key bindings. It provides fast and convenient moving around files and between files. One must learn a good number of commands to be proficient in vi.

4 i from command mode to insert mode
vi modes vi works in two modes: insert mode and command mode. Command mode: allows you to do global operations like saving the file, searching for a string and replacing it. Insert mode: Everything you type in the text. Vi is started with command mode Switching modes i from command mode to insert mode Esc from insert mode to command mode

5 Vi Commands vi file_name :w<Return> :q!<Return>
Open a file (new or exitsting one) vi file_name Save a file :w<Return> Exit vi (without saving the file) :q!<Return> Exit vi (and save the file) :wq<Return> :x<Return>

6 Reading Assignment Chapter 6

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