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When you look at these different people who do you see?

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Presentation on theme: "When you look at these different people who do you see?"— Presentation transcript:

1 When you look at these different people who do you see?

2 Understanding Archetypes
an archetype is a pattern from which copies can be made. Which means, an archetype is a character who follows a specific pattern of behavior. You will see similar characteristics of behavior or traits across all strands of Literature

3 The Hero The Villain The courageous figure, the one who's always running in and saving the day. •personal courage •caring for others •perseverance •resourcefulness •a belief in oneself •optimism an evil character in a novel, movie, play, or other story, especially one who is the main enemy of the hero

4 The Outcast The damsel in distress He or she has been cast out of society or has left it on a voluntary basis. She is almost always a woman who is physically attractive; this is of course what sparks the interest of her savior. A Damsel is always helpless and in need of rescuing

5 The Star crossed lovers
The Evil Step mother This is the person who is jealous of the beautiful step child and wants to steal all her wealth. This is the young couple joined by love but unexpectedly parted by fate.

6 The Wise Old Man The Mother figure


8 In your groups Define your archetype
What character archetype is opposite of yours? Write an example of two archetypes from literature or pop culture that represents your archetype These are just a few examples – You try and see if you can name one on your own and give an example.

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