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Economy of the Carolina Colony

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1 Economy of the Carolina Colony
You guessed right…these are your notes!

2 Settlers in Carolina were to make a profit for England who believed their power was associated with wealth (mercantilism). Lords Proprietors expected to make money from renting land. Colonists could not pay rent without making money-no crop was successful for 20 YEARS!!! Had to make money other ways

3 Cattle Industry Raised cattle to provide beef for sugar producing countries in the Caribbean African slaves were experience in raising cattle Forestry Produced naval stores for ships: pitch and tar that made ships watertight Produced timbers for house shingles, barrels, buckets, and furniture Trade with Indians Obtained deerskins needed for clothes

4 Rice cultivation Staple crop Known as “Carolina Gold” Could be grown easily along the shoreline of the colony because of the natural environment



7 Slave Trade Bought and sold Africans and Native Americans into slavery Usually brought into Sullivan’s Island and sold in Charles Town Slaves worked on plantations making it very profitable for planters Plantation and slavery system first introduced by the Barbadians


9 Indigo Planting Brought to South Carolina by Eliza Lucas Pinckney Her father sent her seeds from Antigua She worked for three years to cultivate a strain of indigo that would produce blue dye Trade with Barbados Slave trade Importing/Exporting (In general) Because of proximity to coastline, it made it easy to get supplies from Great Britain and ship products to other countries

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